Full Members meeting - Sunday 2 June (evening)

Hi everyone !

The next Full Members meeting will take place this Sunday at our place (St. Guidon). Doors open at 7pm, unless you’re coming for the Team R&O meeting beforehand, and we’ll aim to eat at 7.30.

I’ll cook something (with vegans and non-glutens in mind), but feel free to offer desert, and bring whatever you want to drink and/or share.

The “agenda” is still a work in progress. We’ve said that we don’t want the Full Members meetings to become ‘just another plenary’, but at this stage of the project, there are a lot of important things to discuss and decide on. As well as an update on new Reeflings, we will need to discuss the revised membership process and the paperwork relating to the sale.

Here’s the customary poll to see who’s coming :

  • Yes, I’ll be there
  • Can’t make it this time
0 voters



@ChrisM, I propose to go over the offer anf the accord préalable. See:



I might drop in later (if that is not disturbing for the group) to sign the papers


@ChrisM this should be a public post. Re-reading, I find no sensitive information, so I am taking the liberty of making it public.

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Hello @reef-finance

Could you please save the final versions of the documents in a place where they are easy to retrieve, and share a link to the final versions of the documents that we will be discussing tomorrow?

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Hello Lie,
The offre d’achat is saved here: Login – Nextcloud
The latest version of the accord préalable is saved here: Login – Nextcloud
The notary had made changes to this version during the call and has not shared an update yet, however this should serve for you tomorrow to discuss and then the final can be signed digitally once received.