Funding opportunity "Digital services for enhanced trust between citizens and the public sector"

I hope here is the right place. Could somebody tag the relevant people (@hugi ?).

Swedish funding opportunity (I am not sure if you can apply from elsewhere).
deadline 17 feb 2020
Topic: civic tech.

This call is currently open for proposals: In this the offer we welcome project proposals that bring together engaged innovators of the public sector with cutting-edge digital competence. The projects will develop new digital services that can contribute to enhanced trust between citizens and the public sector.

Sounds edgeryders-jummy, doesnt it? I’d gladly chip in my cutting edge digital competence, but will not apply or dig further into it myself. I applied for another program where I argued for a public discourse installation for an association, if you need some text while writing a proposal, feel free to reach out to me.


Indeed! We’re already working on an application, but it’s in Swedish. I’ll share a google translated version once it’s closer to ready. Thanks for the heads up!

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Indeed. In fact, I have myself taught at the Civic Tech School in Italy, as long as that experience lasted. :smile: