#Futurespotters Dinner in Johannesburg, South Africa

Edgeryders CEO Nadia EL-Imam is speaking at All Africa Futures Forum where she will be introducing the community’s innovative work practices in creating jobs by turning what they have into what they need, and helping lessen the time between technologies being developed and their transforming society. The dinner is an opportunity to explore how participants are using collaborative networks, futures and technology development in their work with surprising results.

This dinner brings together artists, academics, hacktivists, entrepreneurs, business leaders and institutional representatives at the cutting edge of the South African creative scenes to break bread and compare notes with their Intern in an informal setting. It is the second in a series of events hosted by The Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria in collaboration with Edgeryders.

Time & location: Wednesday 28th of May at 17:30 in Maboeneng (details forwarded to participants by email). 

Format: Welcome by the hosts and round of personal introductions followed by a short presentation by Nadia. Guests will be presented a small envelope with custom made cards to get an interesting conversation going. Dinner and drinks will be provided (and costs covered) by the hosts.

Registration: The event is free of charge, but number of places is limited. Please write to events@edgeryders.eu with a little information about yourself so the hosts can prepare introductions.

The dinner presentation will present some aspects of Edgeryders, a network, gathering more than 2000 people and organisations from around the globe, that experiments with everything ranging from developing network bartering algorithms and urban farms to cryptographic currencies and ground breaking innovation residency programmes. Nadia will also share her experience of building such a network, and explain the social, physical, and digital infrastructures that are crucial to its members ability to achieve such their initiatives.


Date: 2014-05-28 15:30:00 - 2014-05-28 18:00:00, Africa/Johannesburg Time.