Futurespotters is ending, our work is just beginning

Hi everyone,  hope you had a good trip back and have managed to rest a bit!

Inga is writing a draft report which summarises the futurespotters conversations we have been having. It’s about our experiences as people trying to do some good in the world and should be quite interesting.

So besides that, what happens next? As mentioned during the event it’s up to you really.

My suggestion would be to collaboratively prepare a follow up blogpost/newsletter which summarises the main points from each session, and makes it easy for people interested in continuing (or if they weren’t there, join) the discussions. We already know of 2-3 collaborations underway after the event. With a little shared effort to summarise, and get the word out, who knows where this can lead?

The first step I think is to put together a directory of all the talks and workshops, the materials used, and contacts for the people who lead them. It’s useful anyway because there was so much going on, each one of us probably missed something important and relevent.

Who can help me start building it in this wiki?