FYI: getting in touch with the Council of Europe

Edgeryders used to be a Council of Europe project. The Council of Europe has very considerable in-house expertise on comparative constitutional right; in fact, it unofficially advised a lot of European countries when the Soviet bloc collapsed and suddenly people needed new constitutions.

I decided to get in touch with them and invite them to participate in the project. Their contribution would be, I think, that of sending somebody who has that kind of experience to the final FutureMakers event in Kathmandu. The idea is to equip alternative leaders with some kind of insight on how new constitutions were drawn in practice in the recent past. This will give more force to their arguments as the old guard tries to say that “you guys have no experience”.

I have no idea whether CoE will want to get involved, but I figured there is no harm in trying. If they say yes, we can probably add a little intellectual and political value. If they say no, I wasted an email.

No action is required from the Nepal team.