GA meeting on Associate Membership requests - 19/10 at 7 pm

So we’ll be having another quick GA to confirm the Associate Membership requests, on . So far we have received a request from Céline & Thomas.

Expected - Full Members: @manuelpueyo, @ugne, @alberto and myself
Optional - Associate Members: @ChrisM, @Sarah, @Sophie_Beese, @Pieter, @Mas, @RalfWetzel

@alberto can you please add a link for an online meeting? Thanks!

@Laurianne and @matteomeschiari, can you please have a look at your PMs and let us know whether you would like to join? TIA

Done a few minutes ago ! :slight_smile:

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@alberto: I used the same link as for the last plenary meeting. Is that ok? If not, can you please change it? Thanks!