Gantt chart

I’ve finished the Gantt chart, but unfortunately nor @melancon, @Lakomaa or @Costantino & WeMake reviewed their tasks and milestones. I’ve only included these 2 types in the chart + administrative reports, because with all the deliverables it would have been too much. So I put in what we had, with some myself and Alberto have created.

I think WeMake and SSE should review their timelines: WeMake’s Communication task begins after Design is over and Development has started, which is a little late in my opinion.

SSE does survey in months 6-8 which is a little early if you want to involve participants in the conversation. We will only have a lively conversation after Month 8…

Anyway, if you want chages made let me know, of if anybody is using GanttProject I can send the original file.

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Now done

@noemi Sorry for not complying with instructions earlier … Things are now in order.


Feel free to adjust the time plan for WP3. There is flexibility so I only care about the order od the tasks and the time allocated for each. E.g. if you want to postpone the quantitative survey, please do so.

@Noemi I modified the WeMake schedule anticipating as suggested.