General Assembly 19/12

Hello @reef-full and @reef-associate,

Please accept my apologies for not having posted about the General Assembly that is on the calendar (since a long time) for tomorrow.

The agenda can be found in the Nextcloud calendar.

In summary: (edited to update)

At 19:30 - for current Full Members:

  • Full Membership requests of Sophie, Chris & Sarah and Ralf
  • Confirmation of the plenary meeting’s decision to call for a quote-part of 500 euro and a loan of 1500 euro for incoming Full Members

At 20:00 - for new Full Members and Associate Members (optional for the latter)
Associate Membership requests of Claudia, David, Maria Claudia, Jolan & Nic, Richard & Maria, Joris & Margot, Nele & Jeremy, Matthieu and Lena


I’ll be attending on behalf of Céline and myself.


Will be there.

I will be attending on behalf of ugne and myself

Sadly enough can’t be there due to a work event :slight_smile:

Sorry, I won’t be able to attend after all, completely forgot that I already had something planned…

Oh, I thought this was a full member thing only. @JolanWuyts and I won’t be there as we’re currently in Athens. Enjoy the GA!

Hi, we will join, both sick though so we might the quiet the listeners in the room.