Generate better ideas and more of them faster - inspiration from 'Liberating structures' approaches

Hi @reef-facilitation, inspired by the question raised by @reef-building in the last plenary: Are there other ideas out there to improve the scouting process or to extend the areas of scouting?; I wanted to share that this technique can be interesting to apply in the group: 1-2-4-All. This facilitation technique focuses on a question about an issue, a problem to resolve, or a proposal to put forward (e.g., What opportunities do YOU see for making progress on this challenge? What ideas or actions do you recommend?) Let me know what do you think, and if you have applied it before. Happy to help plan it if you find it relevant.
cc @Lee


Thanks @Janet !

Just had more of a look at this, and definitely something that would be worth trying for brainstorming all sorts of things about certain aspects of the project moving forward. Including ideas to improve the scouting process. We’re still waiting to find out if our current group scouting is producing more results than before, but we could certainly do this whenever we think the scouting process needs reinvigorating…


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