Getting rid of Nextcloud's document memory

Hello Team IT,
(cc Team R&O)

Following up to the discussions on data protection, could you please have a look at how we can remove the possibility to restore some of our documents to previous versions (i.e. with data of everybody who has ever filled in e.g. a presentational fiche), without having to change the link to the document?

The easy solution would be to start a new document every so often, but then we would need to change the links to that new document in several places. So if you could find a hack for that, that would be really wonderful.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Pretty easy:

  1. Select the document to open the Details window on the right.
  2. Click on Versions to open the versions history.
  3. Click on the three dots menu next to the version you want to delete, then select “Delete version”.


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And what if there are more than 40 versions of the same document?

Then it’s faster to start a new document, copy the old one into the new one, and delete the old document (this means also emptying the bin).

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Ok, but then we will have changed the link, correct?

And if yes, then I’d rather save a copy somewhere else, rename with a “v2” or something addendum, delete the old file and upload the new file (to avoid having to copy/paste the entire file).