Getting the accounting back on track

Hi @reef-finance and all, last week I updated the accounting. Banking transactions are reconciled, and both payments to LD3-Miro have been made for the two latest presentations. What we are missing is the cash stuff!

  1. @Sophie_Beese, you bought the fries, right? I do not see your expenses claim.
  2. @ChrisM, were you in charge of the money tin? Or is it still with @ugne ? How much is in it?

Just checked, it’s 171,40 euro in the cash box. If you agree, i might take some cash and send the money to the account, as it’s quite a lot now. We can discuss this briefly tonight during the meeting (define the amount to be sent).

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Hi @alberto, thanks for the reminder. The fries were on me but I did initially keep the receipt for the beer that nobody wanted so I decided not to hand that in. So all good from my side.