Going towards the final decision of your unit by January 25th

Hi @reef-full , @reef-building , @marcelh

For those not present in yesterday’s PM, we have a consent on the prefinal plans, on the condition that this works out financially for Sarah/Chris.

Next step defined in the approach to go towards the final decision by January 25 th 2025, is to update your choice, if needed, by January the 17th 19:00.

This can be done via the same link of the last survey.

By January 17th 19:00, let us know whether you still have doubts about your choice or not (still need to see the bank, results by architects, chat with friends/family/other reeflings …)
So far Alberto, Ugne/Manual, Dave and Els have expressed that their choice is final, so no more feedback needed from those full members.

Fyi: @Sophie_B has the lead on this so definately keep her informed, but just best to keep all of TB informed

If you feel blocked in any way, please inform team building, so we can see what to do.

People being dependant on other full members higher in the list (like @Hannah /jeroen, @Sophie_B @mieke ,…) : make sure that your first, second and third choice are correctly filled in in the survey. If your attributed unit changes because of sb higher up in the list, we will automatically attribute the unit corresponding to your indicated choices in the survey, and we will inform you if your attributed unit would change.

@Odile : as you were not in the PM yesterday: we consented on moving the washing area out of the unit I1, thus turning it into a 2 bedroom. I don’t know if this impacts your order of choice? And be aware that the decision of the location of the guestroom might still impact the m2 of this 2 bedroom (slightly). This will be decided on in the PM of 25/01 (for more info, contact @Sarah ).


Thanks @els! Would it be possible to put the deadline for the survey on Saturday?

Hi @Hannah ,

I would keep the date as it is, but TB, @SophieC , can note down that you need some more time to finalize your decision. ( And thus you don’t update the survey for now)

I asked the question about the stairs to the architects and I guess you want to wait that return as well.

There is no full member depending on your choice so no impact to SB else if your final choice comes a bit later ( but before the 25th)

Does that work for you ?

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Same as Hannah, can I have a bit more time before updating the survey ? I need to see how much would I1 be now that the laundry will move to Obelix. Thanks :pray:

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a first feedback from Francois on your stairs question (going from the balcony of O2 to the common garden)

  • he says - in comparaison to Brutopia - the first floor is much higher (because of the firebrigade entrance: 3 m more or less if i remember well)

  • Related to the above: these stairs would be quite expensive

  • the fire brigade entrance needs to stay free, so he will need to look where to put it

  • he also indicated that it will take some space in the common garden (so this will need to be consented to by the whole group i guess @Lee )

@Sophie_B @reef-building

Francois indicated that they are nearly done with the drawing of the interior designs. There are the ones of

  • richard and maria (for 3 units), but they should have finished with that today or at the latest monday

  • Odile. They are still meeting Odile as well

@Odile @reef-full : francois told that he would update the weighting (based on the prefinal plans we consented to) by mid next week. So Odile, you will have an updated weighting of the 2 bedroom unit at the ground floor of Idefix by then.


I would also like to point out that, in my humble opinion, stairs coming into the garden contribute to breaking the sense of space of the garden. That is probably one of the reasons why the garden of Brutopia is large, but feels quite small.

I guess what I am trying to say is that this is not purely a private choice, but hovers in between a private and a collective one. Cohousing, eh :slight_smile:


I see what you mean. At Brutopia, the result of the stairs is that children much easier go play in the garden together, they can easily go in-out-in-out of their and others’ apartment, as kids love to do. Taking a stairs or an elevator (elevator is even worse, only allowed after a certain age) breaks this common use of a garden for kids and makes it again an ‘adult-supervised’ activity.

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hi all,

for those interested: here is the overview of ‘the final decision of your unit’ (TB/choice of units/final choice based on prefinal plans)

remark: Odile still needs a night to decide as she only talked to the architects today.

Can you please say where it is saved? The link doesn’t seem to be the right one.

sorry, i don’t get it, the link works, and the path is mentionned in the post above:
Team Building/ Choice of unites / final choise based on prefinal plans

=> it’s a copy of the prefinal plans but with the names mentionned next to every unit. I put the same link in the agenda of tomorrow’s meeting

i don’t think it’s worthwhile to share the excel of the survey, because Sophie verified with people personaly, and barely any updates where done in the survey. But let me know if you want it

Aha, misunderstanding. I was looking for one overview file with the allocation. Didn’t see the names were written on the plans.

I think in the meanwhile Alberto has made the list somewhere else.

Hello @reef-building, do you know when the plans for the outer walls/windows will be finalized? I am asking this because @Sarah told me that there is a possibility for windows on the left side of A07. I would like to explore this with the architects and I was wondering when that should happen.

I don’t really know under which thread this goes, so feel free to move this somewhere else.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Mieke,

As far as I understand it is not yet clear when this will happen (other than in the next coming weeks). You can be rest assured though that this kind of issues will always be brought to your attention, so no need to worry that you will miss an opportunity.

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hi @reeflings, especially @reef-buddies and @reef-recruitment

There are two changes concerning the choice of units, to what was presented on the PM of 25/01.

  1. Hannah and Jeroen are taking the 4 BR on the ground floor of Idefix, that is going to be created by merging I1 and I2. This liberates the 3 BR on the second floor of Obelix (O5) for current or future exploring members.

  2. I am going for the 1 BR on the second floor of Obelix (O6). This liberates the 3 BR on the third floor of Obelix (O8) for current or future exploring members. (If somebody would want to have a chat why I changed my mind again, let me know)