soon there will be a need to install in a publicly available space the Graphryder application that is being updated, to do so we’ll need a space where to host it.
The application has very basic requirements, as it is a “static” website (html+css+js), with no server components.
It’d be best if the space could be in its own virtual server, a third or fourth level domain would work :), possibly protected with SSL by default.
While not required, to setup a proper workflow for deployment I’d need to be able to use git and have python on the server. I could do with less, but with I usually setup these using ansible whose basic requirement is to have python on the server (but without requiring any other package installed)
@luca_mearelli I have set up the webspace for you as requested It’s not on its own virtual server though, but a separate webspace on our one-and-only server (with proper permission separation):