GTF Berlin 09 - Eduardo Luca Giacomo [EN]

Yeah. I mean, I think the same that we do, but yeah, I mean, uh, reusing thing is obviously just easier to do and maybe it’s easier to, to implement in a to, I mean to improve the circular economy. But at the same time, I think also that recycling is important for several aspects because not always you can just reuse a product infinite times and so maybe you have to reconvert it and Yeah, but that’s it.

Thank you. On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about the issues of environmental waste and pollution?

I mean, I think five yeah, I think it’s one of the biggest topic we are here for, for this reason. We are studying it at university. I’m doing lots of things about sustainability also in like I’m studying a bit the heavy duty vehicle sector and so I mean five Yeah. Mean you.

Uh, I’m concerned about that. But I know that sometimes I don’t do enough, so I think it’s four probably.


Five. I mean, the clock is ticking. We need to start acting. Otherwise it’s going to be difficult. So. Yeah. Five. Absolutely. Yeah.

Uh, what, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Well, I try to recycle as much as possible. So like, when I throw away stuff, I try to put it in the right bin. And yeah, I try to when I move, I try to move with public transportation or by bike when it’s possible, try to, for example, the phone. I try to change it when it’s over, when it’s completely done and I can´t use it anymore because that’s I know it’s a big issue for the for the environment and yes, basically whatever, like what I, I use what I have until it’s worn out and it can’t be used anymore. That’s probably the main thing I do to for for for environment let’s say.

And you?

Yeah I recycle first then I try to buy secondhand stuff. For example, I bought my phone as a second hand, uh, and then I moved. I try to move with bike and use the less possible car.

Yup. Um, I think same. Yeah, I recycle. I don’t, uh, also, when I used to use the car in my hometown, I used a methane car, so not a diesel one, unfortunately. Uh, and um, also, like, buying maybe second hand stuff can, can be, um, can help. It can help the world. And I think that, uh, we still have to improve a lot. I still have to improve a lot. I mean, like to reduce my water consumption. I think it would be good. And yeah, I think that’s it.

Uh, second last question. How much responsibility does. Each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment.

I think what a lot of must be done, for example, also like house energy efficiency, I mean, it should also start with governments law, but also individuals can do a lot about it if they have the money to afford the technology. Because I mean, in Italy it’s quite a lot of concern because houses are a lot have a low energy energy efficiency standard. And so I think that this is one of the first thing that we should do. So to try everyone to improve their footprint and also like to try in their small life to do something good to our world. And yeah, so that’s it.

I think that the individual has probably the.

(The one minute only - to security guy closing the hangar).

The individual is the probably the percentage, the highest percentage the government has to do obviously something because it’s the state and it’s it has to give the example but then it’s always goes back to the individual you.

Yeah absolutely. The individual has a lot of influence because if we all do it, then it makes sense. Otherwise, if one one does it, then it’s not as, as powerful to, to format it. So it’s, it’s important individual as part of the community. So if everyone does it, then it makes sense.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local, national or international issue?

Well, of course. Of course international. I mean, it’s it’s very important to use the globalization at our advantage, to use the circular economy working for the whole system. So even between countries, this interconnectivity is very important. And so, therefore, I, I would say that circular economy is an international, absolute international phenomenon.

And you.