I guess they shouldn’t be doing it, but I don’t know if they are. Yeah, because I’m really not into the car industry that much, so I don’t they should be definitely doing it just like everybody else should be now, like really concerned about all the environment issues. So yeah, they should be doing it, but I don’t know if they are.
Um, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, GPS?
No, because, not really. Because you just have it on your phone as well. I think that should be like you’re more concerned of having it in the car necessarily. I don’t know. Like it’s the same thing, right? Because it’s all connected to the internet then so.
Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?
Recycling and reusing. I mean, reusing. Then you have like something like, I have a reusable bottle, right? Like I have already in my bag that I like use for, for water, right. Reusing and recycling your recycling material to produce maybe something else. So that would be different. Okay.
Um, one on a scale of 1 to 5, one means being not at all concerned and five means being extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?
Very concerned. That was five five.
But could you explain?
Well, the environmental pollution, I mean. And right now, what is on top of my head is especially the pollution that the fashion industry is doing, which is completely different to like your question about the cars, but it could be also part of the circular economy, like when you’re reusing and repurposing the the clothes or like creating something different from that because they’re creating like the environmental impact of this industry is just crazy. Not only yeah I don’t know it’s it’s they’re releasing I don’t know like different like chemicals into the water system like even not only the environment but also like the conditions of the workers there are just terrible and you know, and we in the Western world are like happy that we can have a shirt for €1, you know, it’s just like and then like and then you have all these piles, piles of clothes being shipped to like third world countries, and then they just have to deal with our our problems. So yeah, I think it’s in many industries like this and really need to be very concerned and do something about it. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?
So for me, like, you know, now also like with the fashion thing, So before, you know, I was also buying stuff in the fashion like a fast fashion stuff. And I tried to like really like limit because like, you know, a lot of people, almost like everybody, we have like enough clothes like it’s, it’s enough. And then also like, you know, go to maybe secondhand stores like, you know, slaps and stuff like that with my friends and then also like separate the, you know, the trash at home as well. I really try to also motivate my parents and everybody else so that and also now, for example, like I came to the conference also like not using with a plane but with with a train and also like driving public transportation, not having car as well, you know, driving a bike. Even. Good for health. Right. Get a bit of exercise. So yeah. I think this would be the things that come to my mind.
How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?
They’re going 100% like every individual matters, right? So even if you think that it’s like a very small thing that you’re doing, like it does have an impact because if everybody else is doing this small thing, it’s just the impact is enormous. So everybody it’s everybody’s responsibility. It’s not like, oh, like these big corporations should do, you know, like they should do it. Yes. But we should do it as well. Like everybody should be concerned. Yeah.
At the last question, do you see the circular economy as a local, national or international issue?
Okay issue. I don’t think that’s like an issue. It’s something that should be implemented, right? Because we should be reusing and repurposing. Like I assume that that’s like my correct understanding. We should be reusing and repurposing like different materials and yeah, just using what we already have and not keep on producing new and new things and then like, you know, and creating more trash. So yeah, I think that’s definitely should be local, international like global anything and everything. Yeah.
On what scale can a circular economy be successfully implemented? What do you think.
On what scale?
Scale. How a circular economy would work with regard to, for example, car production in general and electronic components in a car in particular?
Yeah, I think I’m sorry. Like, because what this question I don’t know if I can really give you more opinion about this because I really don’t know how it works with cars.
I don’t know. Okay. Sorry.