Hack 4 Environment - Cairo: COLEX

Mohamed Hassan , 24 years old , civil engineer , supply chain engineer
Mohamed Aboelkheer , 21 years old , student at faculty of law , public relationship
Saher Elamir , 21 years old , student at faculty of agriculture , head production

our project

Biogas mobile units

Propose: to produce renewable energy by turning organic wastes into Biogas.

Explaining : The main scientific idea that unit based on is to turn any type of organic matters into bio-fuel based on C atoms in organic matters it can be produced by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic organisms ; some type of bacteria which digest material inside a closed system, or fermentation of biodegradable materials.


we handle the simplest man needing in a sustainable and safer manner.
On focusing for the most possible consumers we can name:

  • Farmers and farm owners
  • Distant areas and suburban’s population

Company Advantages

COLEX has the following advantages compared to competitors:

Mobile unit

Simple, practical designs.

High quality, resist leaching problems

Safe, non-toxic, and highly stable.

Easy-to-assemble parts.

All components are manufactured in Egypt and made with high quality steel, and Plastic.

Quick, 48-hour delivery since our goal is to keep at least 10 units available in stock.

High-quality, interactive website.

Face-to-face interaction with customers in addition to technical support.

Here is:Google drive file for our presentation & documents


@mohamed75 , please check the drive link . it’s not exist

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ok i solved the problem

it’s a private link. can you please make it public

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is it ok now ?

yes. thank you

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Hello @mohamed75
If I understand well, your team has already developed the prototype? And you have your first clients. Now, you are looking for opportunities to scale up your business?
My question is :
-What is the actual capacity of your workshop (How many units per day or week are you able to produce? )
-What is the expected optimum production capacity (producing the possible units with the smallest amount of cost. )

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Our workshop contains simple primitive tools so we can only produce one unit per day but we try hard to develop our workshop so that we can produce four units per day

Preferably produce six units so as to be the lowest possible cost per unit, both transport and manufacturing expenses

To illustrate, we need to create a new home unit, which is what we attached to the image inside Google Drive

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Thank you @mohamed75 for these details.
Can you tell us briefly, what are the main challenges you and your team are encountering? And how our community may help you?

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We need to upgrade our workshop to cope with the needs of the local market
We also need to manufacture units for small houses with low productivity
We also need to finance large marketing campaigns to expand and spread within the market

These three challenges require money and materials

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