Hack 4 Environment - Morocco (The progress).

The Hackathon’s program:

Planning.pdf (988.3 KB)

FIRST DAY: Hack 4 Environment Morocco

First of all, we would like to thank our local partner Makesense and their volunteers for being part of this first amazing Hackathon with Edgeryders in Morocco .

We started the day with an ice breaker game with the participants to let them start the Hackathon with positive energy:

Then we launched the first workshop : Ideation by Makesense . With a teamwork session to develop each team’s ideas and choose the convenient SDG to work with.
All the young entrepreneurs were very excited to start this first workshop. However, the majority of them had simillar difficulties, which are all about organization. They all had a lot of great ideas that can make change and a great impact on the environmental issues. Hence, they didn’t know which one should be used, how can they choose and when they can start and turn it into a beneficial project.

After the lunch break, the participants continued the team work and then we started the first Introductory Webinar and live chat with @nadia, Edgeryders Co-founder.
She did a global presentation for Edgeryders , MENA YP and OCI Lab program .
And a Q&A session to let the participants understand more and they felt free to ask all their questions.
This experience was a first for all the participants, having a live chat with an international community and sharing ideas and comments with them was encouraging and motivational so they can do their best for this Hackathon.

Second workshop: Business Model Canvas by Makesense : @jaloun

Second Webinar and live chat of the day on Product Design with Susanne Stauch.

After the live chat, the participants started to work on the first and second deliverables with the help of Go4work and Makesense ’s professors, in an atmosphere full of energy and vitality.

SECOND DAY: Hack 4 Environment Morocco

We started the second day with a brainstorming to see where every group is with the two deliverables. Then we had a financial workshop by Bouchra from Makesense .

The last Webinar and live chat with @matteo_uguzzoni on Storytelling, Sales and Pitching where the participants worked on different exercices.
Young entrepreneur’s major problems are related to finance (Sales & finding customers); pitching and how to prepare a great presentation. Matteo helped them a lot on these sides, he gave some interesting tips for the PPT presentation which can change the whole way of seing any project. They did some exercices that helped them to build their storyboard, to find their audience, to define their projects in one concreate sentence that can be informative and that anyone can understand…

After the 2 hours call, the participants started finalizing the deliverables and posting all their projects on the Platform.
THE END: Hack 4 Environment Morocco
We would like to thank all the participants for their perseverance, reactivity and presence.
You made this Hackathon work.

Good luck for TEAM MOROCCO!


Amazing work @Elghanichaimaa. Thank you for sharing the photos with us
Could you please tell us more about the outcomes of each workshop?
and if possible, could you tell us more about the profile of the participants ( mean age, profession, gender…).

hi @Elghanichaimaa, thanks for the photos.

While the breakdown of what happened in terms of sequence of activities is great, we want to have a deeper understanding of what people are trying to do, where they are coming from (in terms of experiences, values, disciplines etc) - so as to better see how we can help them move forward.

What would help us to do this is more a summary of the projects and project teams that came out of the workshop, insight into discussions each group had in developing their projects, where they started and what they ended up producing in terms of output by the end of the hackathon.

Also helpful is your own thoughts and notes from discussions around the topics they are tackling - climate change is a multi-faceted topic - what did you and the participants learn from one another about this topic and current efforts to tackle it in your country?

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