
I think Edgeryders is a good idea, to collect people who can do sth together.

Sth similar like that crossed my mind earlier like an idea.

On this site I hope to meet similar people to me, get to know how to do a project (for example learn some graphical stuff) and work on it in practise, engage in sth- for making a project or just talking and encourage others that I like to do.



Which project?

Hi Mina,

Glad to meet you and thanks for your thoughts and for taking the time to fill in the community survey… I’ll get back to you with that one later. So you’re interested in project collaboration : i think my first question would be if you have something you’re working on at the moment? Are you still studying? Or is there a project from the ones already on Edgeryders you’ve spotted and would like to jump on board?

One of my favourite people [pacheca] is great with design, she could also help if there’s something you have in mind…

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We hope so too

Well, collaborating on projects is one of the main goals od Egderyders, if not the main one. So… looking forward to what you come up with!

The learning part is more tricky, because is less structured… let us know if there is anything in particular that you would like to learn, and we’ll see if we can help, ok?

I am glad to meet you too :slight_smile:

for now i will recognise myself ,  and in free time looked at projects on edgeryders

Noemi : Iam not studying or working on project.

Alberto: ok.

Let’s see if we can help you! :- )

Hello Mina,

Received your email and couldn’t get back to you earlier…

If I understood you’re searching for free graphic software.

An Image Manipulation Program you have for free is Gimp

But as you refered announcements and coding, probably this isn´t the kind of tool you´re looking for…

About coding, I have little experience to offer…

Could you explain better the kind of tools are you looking for?.. 

To do what, specifically?.. 


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Hi pacheca

I will look at Gimp.

I dont have sth specifically, i am curieuse what can i use to make a interesting flyer or spend time to create.


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And Inkscape!

If you’re going to do flyers, definitely also have a look at Inkscape. Like The Gimp, it is free software and runs under Windows, Linux and OS X. But while Gimp is a pixel oriented graphics software (read: photo manipulation), Inkscape is vector oriented (read: much better for integrating text, making logos, playing with text and layout etc.).

As for learning these tools, the hacker attitude is that you don’t learn these things from a book, but only by applying them to a first little project. Right now, finding such a project on Edgeryders and collaborating to it is quite unstructured (but entirely doable). Hopefully in two weeks we will have more structure for this through a tool for compensated mutual help. I’m right now, with a teammate, in the last days of fixing bugs in this tool etc. … if you want to be one of the initial users, just say so. I promise to then add a little task for you to solve with Gimp (some graphics manipulation we need for the tool itself) … for doing so, you could get a little service from another Edgeryder, like showing you around in Inkscape. At least that’s how it’s meant to work … we’ll know more soon-ish :slight_smile:

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