
Hi and thanks for letting us join.

We are a small social enterprise in the UK looking to develop an international network of editors, artists, journalists and writers who can collaborate, share ideas, be featured in different media and even manage their own magazines!

Just posted more info about this on the ‘Boundless Futures’ project page

Welcome on board!

Hey, I’m Noemi, one of the community managers around here, thanks for joining in! More about me on my profile, but basically doing communication and network weaving since Edgeryders started. Nice to have you…

I looked at your website (probably best to link to it in the project page?) and I’m curious to read articles or sample writings in your magazine, to you have an online version too? Where we might be able to help is connecting you with people in Edgeryders who are freelancer journalists or occasionally do some writing for online magazines or for our blog (example). The more generous you are with your own thoughts the easier for them to reach out, as we’re quite a loose network with people drifting in and away depending on their time, interest and opportunities coming up, among others.


This sounds great, we will be getting an online version sorted pretty soon…

We’d love to link up with writers and journalists :slight_smile: