Help us bring local officials at the June event!

The Edgeryders conference on June 14-15 in Strasbourg is the first of its kind in the world. We think it’s a great opportunity to gather Edgeryders and local officials such as mayors to collaborate on addressing common challenges. You can help make this happen!

Do you know someone from your local decision makers who you think ought to participate? Go ahead and get in touch with them, get a preliminary agreement that they would like to attend and pass it on to us. Don’t spend much time on it, an email or a phone call ought to do. Once you let us know who they are, the team will then send them an official invitation to join us in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe!**

Send their name, official title and email address to

In case you need this, here’s more info about the conference schedule (provisional).

** NB. Mayors, aldermans or councillors that are already active on the Edgeryders platform are guaranteed invitations. All invitations of people not active in platform need to be looked into and balanced according several criteria, the first of which is availability of speaking slots. Others include administrative layers (ideally we want a mix of international, national and local levels etc.)