Hi from Egyt

Hello, Egderyders team and friends, It’s me Marianne,  I am interested to join the activity with friends from Armenia, Georgia, and with friends all over the world.

My experience with the social work in Egypt  started after the 25 th. Jan 2011 revolution, I have been volunteering since May 2011 in different NGOs (like better world, Tamkeen (under construction)). I am in continuous contact with different NGOs mainly in the fields of education, social and economic empowerment.

Me and some of my friends started a social initiative called  (Masr Bokra “Egypt tomorrow”  to spread social &political awareness using non formal ways of learning   (please  click here for more info in Arabic about our activities)

The  most interesting events for me was the cultural exchange programs I participated in during the past 2 years:

  • I was chosen among 10 Egyptians and 10 Germans   to participate in  “Yalla Yalla Workshop” organized by: HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance, Governance Center for Middle East/North Africa, in Berlin. Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, from 04th  - 12th  October 2012 in Berlin and 08th  - 16th  January 2013 in Cairo.This  highly professional workshop, which serves as a development of young people in culture and politics in Egypt and Germany by studying and applying the “Spiral Dynamics” model, among other social science theories “The Four Quadrant Theory”, and methods for the analysis of cultural development, policy making, social and cross-cultural communication challenges.  http://www.yalla-berlin-cairo.org/

  • I was chosen among 5 Egyptians to participate in  the international training course “YOUNG WOMEN ON THE MOVE”. Funded by the “Youth in Action program” of the European commission, from 20th – 27th April 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece.This highly professional youth exchange program, aimed  at bringing 30 youth workers from Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Egypt and Macedonia in order to analyze the role of youth and youth organizations in integration of young migrant women in European societies, discussing the role of youth work in protecting the rights and safety of young migrant women, particularly from labor abuses, sexual exploitation, trafficking and other exploitable situations. Using the methods of human rights education, and intercultural dialogue.  http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/youth/

I am   active in  social  networks like Facebook, twitter and a blog-spot ( happily my blog was visited over 151000 times), I am always tackling the following issues using my social media accounts:

1-Discussing my thoughts about political reform in Egypt today.

2- Discussing the social problems of our daily life, specially problems of Woman and children.

I am very happy to introduce my self to all of you, wish we can have the opportunity to work together through Edgeryders to use our experiences to help our socities in Egypt, Georgia & Armenia.



Hi Marianne,

Good to see you joined the community, and apparently you’ve found your way in :slight_smile:

I’m curious, since you’ve attended these multicultural events especially related to youth participation and labor, what are some of the main challenges you see young people in your country are faced with, compared to their European counterparts? Are there differences in world views which strike you, some questions you would like to see answered through Spot the Future?

We’re trying to bring together a lot of people who are changing the world for the better, and the only way to do it is strike a sensible chord, gather around something that is deeply meaningful for you guys and that a lot of people would like to understand better. Do you have thoughts on what would that/those be?

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