HOFFNUNG 3000 - Platform for decentralized, anonymized, self-curated festivals


Platform for decentralized, anonymized, self-curated festivals

HOFFNUNG 3000 is a web-based platform on which participants organize the festival themselves by offering and sharing and using everyone’s abilities / potentials / gear / skills. The idea was and is, that all these resources form a diverse pool of potentiality and it is from these resources that all activity and production derive. The festival is created by everyone’s collective endeavour.

HOFFNUNG 3000 was also a festival for music, art and theory in Berlin initiated by BLATT 3000 together with KLANGkELLER in Berlin 2017. It was an experiment in social, artistic and theoretical collaboration.

HOFFNUNG 3000 asks: How do we organize ourselves in our social, artistic & theoretical communities? HOFFNUNG 3000 is not simply a festival but more of a process of organizing a festival, a festival that creates itself. Through each and every participant.


  • Register resources (skills, items, etc.) and make them available to other users
  • Create places (address, gps position or virtual ) and define time slots, so other users can organize events there
  • Organize events in places and use resources of others to realize them
  • Users can be anonymized with randomly generated animal avatars
  • Random meetings with random participants in random places
  • Built-in messenger and activity stream
  • events and places can be private (not visible to audience) or public
  • .gif-stream documentation tool


How can I use this platform?

Check out the Handbook to get started.

Source code

HOFFNUNG 3000 is open source and hosted via GitHub:

Further threads

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Great! This will be featured on the Participio website when we launch it this summer