How to build a revenue stream to support your activities: A P2P course

For those who want to learn the skills involved in building revenue streams to support their activities, the best way is to learn-by-doing.

Many of the projects we see popping up on Edgeryders, are collaborative and de-centralised initiatives. As is Edgeryders itself. So this course is structured as a guided process in which participants learn by helping one another to build revenue for their projects, peer to peer.

It’s a 5 week process that will require you to put in some time and hands-on-work, on your own project as well as on the projects of the other participants as we through these steps:

  1. Identify and document our assumptions

    1. What are our assumptions/hypotheses about how we gratify our clients and or sponsors, who they are, how we will acquire and monetize them?
    2. What are our assumptions/hypotheses about how we serve the needs of our constituency, who they are, as well as how we engage them into becoming more active participants in (and beneficiaries of) our initiatives?
  2. Talk to prospective customers to validate (or invalidate) our assumptions

    1. What problems do they face?  How do they solve them?  What matters to them?  What is a must-have for them?
  3. Identify the risk factors in the opportunity

    1. Are we facing significant technology risks?  Or more of market risk?  How can we test and validate these (starting with the most risky)?  What market testable milestones can we build that would result in sufficient evidence to induce us to pivot or move forward? A proof of concept? A letter of intent?  A prototype?
  4. Create and Test a Minimum Viable Offer

    1. landing page click-through that prove there’s some amount of interest in an experience, product or service;
    2. a time commitment for an in-person meeting to view a demo that shows the customer or funder's problem being resolved;
    3. a resource commitment for a pilot program to test how the experience, product or service or product fits into a particular environment.
  5. Once we have users using our MVO we listen for & tune into the Must-have signal

    1. We listen very carefully to find our must-have signal and articulate it.
    2. We Double-down and strip away the unnecessary> focus on building an experience, service or product that is cherished and supported by everyone who uses it.


The workflow is: Collaboration on tasks in this group + weekly group calls on skype. The contents of of this group are private and only visible to the people participating in it.

Duration: 5 weeks.

How to get started: Start by sharing your ryde.