2020 has so far been the year that shouldn’t have been. But every now and then amongst the gloom, a moment of relief is necessary :)))
Ahahah love it, the anti-gay guy gets caught with 20 other men and 5 women? Hmmmm, odds for him sucking a dick were 76.92%…just scientific observation .
Classic example of a projection on his part, hating in others what he hates in himself?
Ok, it’s a good laugh, but does it really teach us anything? Is anyone expecting any ripples back home?
In my experience, these personal slips do not make a dent in the perceived credibility of right-wing parties and politicians…
Yes, hypocrisy seems to be a constitutive ingredient of the Authoritarian personality. As they constitute the main support of Fidesz they are nearly immune to such revelations, as has been shown by the Trump case.
Agree. And once he was pushed out, the party can continue to advance its usual rhetoric…
I welcomed it as it made me laugh, it’s good to laugh .
Let’s face it, there are far worse things happening and politicians get away with them routinely…no problem. I don’t believe it will change anything in Hungary. Even when the scandal is so big that the government falls apart, they still pick the scapegoat and move on unhindered. Next term the same team is back in power, minus the scapegoat . It does not bring about the change needed.
I guess that’s even a good thing. It means people’s sexual mores are not relevant to their political appeal. Which is part of what the progressives want. The other part, which is that the same sovereignty on our own bodies applies to all of us… well, that’s not there.
Does anyone know why the double standard? Why are conservative voters happy with their leaders forbidding them certain behaviors, while indulging in those behaviors themselves? What’s the thinking there?
My basic assumption would be fear, as that is mostly used to control people. Fear of migrants, fear of “decadence of their society”, of “the enemy”…there are always enemies. Fear is way stronger than the feeling they get when some politician is making money on the side or indulging in some “immoral” activities, even if that politician is preaching against those very same “immoral” activities. So I don’t think it doesn’t bother them…it’s more a trade off.
Nobody who has no personal integrity will certainly get my vote, nor will I do business with such a person. This is a clear case of no personal integrity.
The horrible thing today is, in so many countries you don’t get the option even of voting for someone with personal integrity. Or you do but you have to dig deep to find that person as it is buried first under a media blackout, then under a pile of crap they shit on that person. In Croatia those people get very low %. US elections being the prime example of that no choice basically. Trump or Hillary, then Trump or Biden? Unbelievable! I know they just represent the systems and power structure behind them, but it still tells us a lot.
The worst thing I hear in Balkans over the last 5 years is “ah so what he is stealing money and making huge personal gains, it’s normal. I would have done the same!”. That indicates a huge moral degradation of the society and shows the acceptance of the state in which they are…a form of Stockholm syndrome as far as I am concerned.
I believe we have to be extremely patient to bring about change. The lifestyles people live nowadays make that hard as they are buried under huge pile of useless or false information and they lead busy lives. Or not busy but have a perception of being very busy due to this huge amount of crap dumped on them+bad management of time.
That said, due to the very same technology being available to us, it is possible to simultaneously reach way more people than it was ever before. That’s why I am still an optimist, I believe changes can be adopted much quicker today.