How to participate

Op3nCare is an open collaboration platform hosted by Edgeryders. Join our global community to make health- and social care open source, privacy-friendly and participatory.


Our challenges, projects and programs are modeled on Edgeryders collective intelligence methodology. This means that we enable our community to develop solutions rooted in people’s everyday realities, needs and lifestyles.

We’ve created a set of values that bring out the best of the Op3nCare community, methods that guide our collaborative process, and actions that drive the movement forward.

1. Explore and build on what is there.

We start our process with sharing experiences and research to discover which efforts are already making meaningful contributions in our communities. We do this to discover what is already out there, the needs of the people driving the initiatives as well as the communities they serve. In doing this collaboratively we Increase everyones knowledge about existing initiatives, organisations, people, places and networks. We also encourage peers in the movement to acknowledge one another’s good work and build on it, rather than waste resources on duplicating or competing with one another’s initiatives.

Methods and Actions

Contribute to the research phase. Share your personal story, interview relevant people affected by the challenge topic and share successful initiatives or analogous examples from other areas. During this process, we go for quantity. Tap into your personal experience and local environment—no observation is too small:

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  Get inspired and learn from hundreds of stories and insights.   Share feedback, knowledge or simply let someone know you are inspired by their post.
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  Share your experiences and insights in a post.    

2. Improve y(our) ability to analyse and interpret information*.

We analyse and structure the information shared in our conversations in such a way as to support op3ncarers desire and ability to constructively engage in society through and about facts, statistics and other pieces of information. In a world of ubiquitous digital connectivity, improving our ability to access and use information strengthens individuals and communities ability  to  navigate their current ecosystems and societies in ways that are meaningful and effective for them. Whether it is because you want to solve local problems, keep governments accountable, avoid expensive mistakes or learn new things about the world in which you live,  knowledge is power.

Methods and Actions

Contribute to the Analysis and Sensemaking phase. Use appreciative enquiry methods and tools like Edgesense to find surprising connections between your experiences and those of other participants. Share your ideas on how to solve our current challenge. It can be a project you are already working on or a new idea. During this process, we go for quantity and quality so be generous with your input…

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  Get inspired and learn from hundreds of stories and insights.   Share feedback, knowledge or simply let someone know you are inspired by their post.
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  Share your experiences and insights in a post.    

3. Be open, also in the way you think of "open".

We are a very diverse community. This is critical: almost anything we can achieved rests on that diversity, so the social contract needs to preserve and enhance it. It is essential that we stay wide open to an influx of new people, with their insights and skills. This means that Op3nCare can never be a membership-based organization. The minute you draw a line and say “Here, we are on this side, the outside world is on that side”, the community begins to asphyxiate and die. This also means we accept and take into account that different incentives appeal to different people; individuals should be able to choose their own role, as long as this does not limit the autonomy of others.

Methods and Actions:

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  Get inspired and learn from hundreds of stories and insights.   Share feedback, knowledge or simply let someone know you are inspired by their post.
[icon] POST    
  Share your experiences and insights in a post.    

4. Who does the work calls the shots.

The focus of any interaction should be to empower and encourage each one of us to do things. No one gets to sit on the sidelines and tell people not to do things. If you want to make something better, you can add thoughtful suggestions. The suggestions most likely to be implemented are ones which are backed with an offer of hands-on help from the persons making them.

Methods and Actions:

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  Get inspired and learn from hundreds of stories and insights.   Share feedback, knowledge or simply let someone know you are inspired by their post.
[icon] POST    
  Share your experiences and insights in a post.    



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