I have a ticket for #OKFest to give away

On July 15th-17th the Open Knowledge Festival is taking place in Berlin, Germany. It is a large scale meet-up of people involved in all varieties of ‘open’: data, government, hardware, software, knowledge, economy, development, innovation etc.

I had originally planned to go, but will not be able to attend. That means I have a ticket available. If you are an Edgeryder, and would otherwise not be able to go, I am happy to give my ticket to you. Are you interested, then make yourself known in the comments. Let’s see if we can come up with a way to get one (more) Edgeryders to #OKFest.


I’d like to :slight_smile:

I’m coming to the OKFest too, but did not get my ticket yet, so I would really appreciate the ticket, as they are quite expensive … but maybe you could also offer it to @elf Pavlik who is not using money at all , and I’m not sure if volunteers get in for free this time … ( I guess not )



Thanks you for this generous offer @Ton Zijlstra!

I plan to participate but still haven’t received response to my volunteer request :frowning: Me, @Dorotea or someone else participating in ER network can use it for sure. Dorotea have you also applied for volunteer ticket?

Hmm it’s up to you

Hi Dorotea, Pavlik,

Volunteers do get in for free, and there was also a support fund, but the deadline was 4 May.  See Volunteer at OKFestival | Open Knowledge Festival 2014 Beatrice said 5 days ago that the announcement on who will be volunteering is coming asap. Did you also volunteer Dorotea?

Otherwise it is up to you… If one of you gets in as volunteer, the other gets the ticket. If both of you will not be volunteering, I think it is up to Dorotea to decide, as she was the first responder :slight_smile:

Does that sound fair enough to both of you?

Either way it is great to know that an Edgeryder will be making good use of the ticket.

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Just to chime in

Ton is correct, and Elf - I’ve got you shortlisted (I’m heavily involved with the volunteers and think we’re going to send out an announce this week - if not: bug me again).

See you at OKFestival!

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hey :smiley:

nice to see you on this thread @mihi :)

thanks for heads up and see you at OKFestival \o/

in this case I would be happy to have a ticket :slight_smile:

@Ton Zijlstra in this case I would be happy to have a ticket :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:


Hi Dorotea, excellent. You can use my ticket. I will see how to best transfer it to you and let you know.

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Transfer done

The ticket has been transferred to Dorotea. Have fun in Berlin! :slight_smile:

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@Ton Zijlstra, that was very generous. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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How was it?

Hi guys, curious how that went! Judging from my social (media) walls @Dorotea, @SamMuirhead, @elf and a couple of more people I know were there.

Any #mustread #mustcheckout stuff for the rest of us?

Going through the Pad of pads now but hard to tell what is worth a read. See? it’s not just Edgeryders crazy about documentation :slight_smile:

nice people, good conversations, not quite LOTE though :slight_smile:

the last OKfestival in 2012 seemed to have a wider range of different issues including, for example, hardware, design, film, gender diversity, and software - this time it was more narrowly focused.

Now the Open Knowledge idea of ‘the open space’ is mostly limited to “open science, open government, open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) open development and open sustainability” which is certainly very interesting, but I missed the scrappy artists and hackers a bit… Open Data has become well established, which is a great thing, but sometimes I felt the sessions were by and for institutions rather than individuals.

I think mine is definitely a minority opinion though, most people I spoke to loved it.

My highlights (other than freeform discussions with participants) were the single hour allocated to open design (about the definition) and a great discussion at the unFestival about P2PValue.

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I agree with Sam

( somehow mention did not want to work

we mentioned another mention issue in another post today

as we were discussing it here with Pavlik)

I have noticed very nice things and things that could be improved 

in the OKfest and in general at events of this kind

( by the way we talk here a lot about events “meta-design” ,

I hope to do here some more event hacking sessions )

a nice thing was encouraging spontaneously organised meetups

based on common interests topics ( there were many different topics at the OK fest but all very interesting )

and we keep doing it

Actually we are still in post-OKfest Berlin stay

now with Pavlik at friends place

I hope that while I’m here we can meet up with all Berlin based good people :slight_smile:

some of us are planing to stay in Berlin for longer

if anyone would like to catch up in person and in real life

you are very welcome to meet up :slight_smile:

Thanks for these first impressions

Hi Dorotea, Pavlik, Sam,

Thanks for these first impressions. Looking forward to see blogpostings digesting what went on in more detail. Would be good to see some of your thoughts posted.