I want to attend Lote5 in February!

@Noemi brilliant

I am definitely coming if I get at least partial coverage of my travel costs. I will either represent ARP or just myself and my experience. Will keep you posted.

The earlier we apply for the visa the better I guess, right @Hegazy? When do you plan to apply?

Gotta be there

Figure you cannot have a LOTE without me.

I’d gladly lead /co-lead one of my fun-type sessions tentatively titled “The Failure of False Families”,

facilitating familiarity and internet intimacy on online cooperative constellations.

I get teased so badly that I’d probably be a first class case study.

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@Nadia , I think we need a big date and place info on the welcome page - it’s hard to find it now (only in this event, which is kind of hidden for a new user).

Check now?

We put in the header with date and place. Works?

Your participant bios

Hi everyone. Wanted to ask all of you who intend to come to Brussels and have registered here that you update your Edgeryders profile so others know who you are. Look at all our beautiful faces in our new page, also known as “look at the Internets living on the edge and meeting up in Brussels”. thanks!

Also, it’s a good time to book your slot? Part of the program is already online - see minisite above. @Bembodavies: False families as in support communities e.g. unmonasteries and others …? You got us curious, hope to read you before the holidays.

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I hope I can make it

Still seeing if my particular health needs will allow it.  I’ll know more after next week.

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Failure in Doing Good

Hi! I’m new here, seems like a great community. I heard about it from FuckUp-Kira (is that okay to call her that?) and would love to attend Lote5 on Friday.

I’m living in Brussels and very interested in the idea of Effective Altruism, which is the idea to use evidence and analysis to take actions that help others as much as possible. I guess the link with development and failing less is pretty clear. I could contribute by giving a talk or workshop about how to do more good with your spare money, time or carreer.



Hello @krismartens, welcome!

I also live in Brussels. With @KiraVde, @ireinga and others I’d like to roll out a physical get-together for the Brusselites in January, in the run up to LOTE5. Are you interested?

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sure, keep me posted!

sure, keep me posted!

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(Almost 100%) COMING!

Hi everyone! It’s a pleasure to be a part of such a dynamic and forward thinking community! I heard about this event through Kira, while working as the editor in chief of Engineers Without Borders’ Annual Failure Report. This EWB venture is a sister initiative to Fail Forward, both of which are lead by Ashley Good. The main objective of these two ventures is to encourage our society to look at failure from a constructive lens, with the intentions of harnessing valuable learnings from the mistakes we have made. Here are some websites you can visit to learn more about what we do: https://www.ewb.ca/ideas/admitting-failure-0 and https://www.ewb.ca/ventures/admitting-failure-af-fail-forward-ff.

I cannot express how excited I am for this conference! Unfortunately, I’m still trying to figure out the logistics of funding. Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of any travel grants? I would be travelling from Canada.

Thank you!

Looking forward to (hopefully) meeting everyone,

Christine Pu


Try the canadian embassy in Brussels?

You’ll find their contacts here and we already sent them a version of this template letter, so toy can refer to it. You could maybe offer to host a workshop/talk at the embassy in exchange like this oneI did in SA for Swedish embassy, or do a “what I learned at lote” ws/talk in Canada when back. Hope this helps.

Thank You!

Lovely, I definitely will try this! This is a fantastic idea - thanks!

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I want to come and help

My story

Back in 2013 I came to LOTE3 at a low point in my life. After a 3 year period of professional and personal “failures” I found motivation in exploring alternative working methods. I was referred to LOTE3 by an ex-colleague and made my decision to come after a presentation by Michel Bauwens. Peer to Peer was completely new to me and I wanted to experience first hand what it was all about.

My experience was not positive nor negative. Mainly because of my own insecurities and uncertainties. Over the last 2 years I have made steps into self-employment on my own paste. The Peer to Peer philosophy has been a significant contribution to this. Now I would like to come and experience this again with a fresh pair of eyes.

I want to learn and help others learn as well. I am particularly interested in local P2P economies and the link with social movements. An other reason why I want to come is to build a stronger European connection. Especially now that the EU is in crisis, it’s crucial to continue cultivating the European collaborative identity.

For me failure and fuckups are just an experience where you can learn a lot from. If not ignored, it leads you to the core of how an ideal system should work. It helps you become whole. Ignoring failures and continue letting it to occur on the other hand brings you further away from the ideal.

Which track am I interested in?

I am interested in design and systems failure, especially in health and social care. I recently joined the team of shiftN and would love to learn more about the topics.

In addition I am struggling with these questions:

How to avoid having to lend any money from family or other un-trusted parties?

How to turn bro-bone work into payable work to bring more professionalism to the causes you care for?

Private profit in a commons based economy, what are the rules?

My proposal for a session at LOTE5

I am eager to help making LOTE5 happen but unsure if I can contribute to a track. I know that multiple days concentration on conferences is not my best thing. Therefore I would propose to join the food team. I am keen to help out on 25, 27 and 28th and attend the tracks on Build your own welfare and The OpenCare Files on the 26th.

I could do a session on the project “domestic bugs” I am setting up in Ghent (Belgium). We want to inspire and activate people to grow and prepare edible bugs at home. I could do an interactive info-session where people can take bugs home afterwards. But I can also cook. And maybe do something with edible insects? 

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Yes, hope LOTE5 will be more positive for you.

I really wish you will enjoy it and we can build the proper intimacy that doesn’t alienate people at conferences, the symptoms you mention are what keeps me away from most events, ask my friends. But it’s also up to us to make it our own space and use the four days to hang out and enjoy each other’s presence.  Anything specific you would change from Lote3 into something better this time around, so we know what no to fail at?

Something you said intrigues me: do we need paid work to make causes more professional or to make ourselves more professional in the eyes of others?

Yes to food weirdom… maybe we can have an entire food hacking session!

Edible bugs and more food hacking

Hello @Merel, thanks for your offer, much appreciated.

Just putting it out there: when Edgeryders goes to CCC we tend to hang out with Food Hacking Base. Many of them are based in Amsterdam, which is basically down the road from Brussels. I wonder if they would be up for coming down to Brussels and taking over one of the kitchens? They are supercool: they make their own Arduino-powered kitchen tools, and are known for experimentation with food. At 31C3 insect larvae (“Wormburgers”) were on the menu. What do you guys think?

Count me in !

I’ll be very happy to join you in the weekend.

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Yayy, welcome!

And thank you so much for the help with the translation.

I attand :slight_smile:

Good evening, Edgeriders :slight_smile: I’m Anuka

Yes, I wish to be the part of the gathering to talk and share the fail - unfail issues that i’ve experienced while working on different projects of our organisation and to hear from you all your ways and tips of solving and going on with your ideas and projects inspite of everyithing :slight_smile:


Hehe, long time.

Hi Anuka, good to hear from you, and hope the art magazine project is working out great since we last spoke. Are you joining alone or will be traveling with other edgeryders in Tbilisi? or wait, are you still in Tbilisi?

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