Propose a session for Lote5

If you’re here it’s likely you already know the theme of the conference but it’s important to be aware of the details:

Similar to previous LOTEs we’re organising the conference around tracks which represent different perspectives and angles by which to understand and build upon the overall theme of failure. We are so far working on major tracks, each with a team of contributors and session leaders:

  • Development (developed here)
  • Care (developed here)
  • Creative industries (developed here)
  • Finances and market fails

Which track is for you?: It might be obvious, or you might be unsure, don’t let this hold you back - if you have a session you want to bring go ahead and share it following the steps below and just ping @Noemi on the discussion thread below and we’ll give our input!

How to start thinking of your session

Here’s what we need to know:

  1. Create a profile on Edgeryders (or log in to your existing profile). It's important each session is led by someone. Your idea, you lead. 
  2. Session title. Describe your session in a few words. Don't forget to include a link to relevant content or related website/s.
  3. Session context. Briefly explain the story behind your session, which track you think it fits in, why it matters to you, highlight individuals or groups that might be interested in joining with you and what you hope for the outcomes of the session. 
  4. Session description: This is the bit where you get to outline your session, there is a strict format for this but try ensure your description is accessible for a broad base of participants, and try to pose key questions so that the session can be built on and developed online before arriving at the conference. Be sure to include the track you want this session to appear in.
  5. Relevant information and links: Collate information relevant to your sessions so others can read up in advance and ensure greater depth to the session you propose.

Create the session on the Edgeryders platform

  1. Click here. Enter the information you have prepared for your session. Make sure you also include an image to act as a logo, it will make your session look better in the program. 
  2. Enter your preferred date and time (within the LOTE5 interval: 25th-28th February) in the relevant fields. Please bear in mind this is liable to change when we begin structuring the program, but we'll be in touch in advance so to ensure we can find a time that works best for you. 
  3. Click Save, you're all set. We'll make sure your session will be shown in the program.
  4. Now the next step is to build interest and discussion around your session, email and share the link on your own networks.

You can check back onto the page of the event you have created to see who has signed up for it.

Leading a session at LOTE will of course get you a ticket.

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