I want to attend Lote5 in February!

Relief and Clarity - sounded so nice I had to make a flyer :slight_smile:

I like that, Nadia! Thanks for the flyer :slight_smile:

And since it’s one of my personal goals to become more courageous (and have less fear of failure), I’d make my personal slogan for this LOTE5:

Fuck the fear of failure and do the good shit, even if it’s very likely to go down in flames!

“Clarity, Relief, Courage”

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Wish to join the meeting!

Will be great to join !

We have sufficiant to share.

The main challenges of our organizations Caucasus Art Magazine and Zebra Hunting Project have experienced a lot to recall and illustrate how the failures were turned into unfailures :slight_smile:

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Zebra hunting?

Hi Koka,

Welcome to Edgeryders. Bursting with curiosity…what’s this Zebra Hunting Project? Can you maybe write about it in the fuckup bios (you can read mine there too :))?

Would love to join

Hello everyone,

I’m Victoria. I’ve been living in Brussels for 3 years now and love all these stimulating events that keep popping up. I think I’ve had my fair shares of failures in my 35 years of life and so far I’ve always managed to pick myself up eventually. So I’d be happy to take part in this event.

I’m bilingual French/English, so if you need any help with translating, drafting or even making calls anywhere in French, I’m happy to help.

I have a background in communication, corporate social responsibility and International development. So anything focused on social issues is of interest.

Happy to lend a hand in any communication work that’s needed (only writing, no graphic designing unfortunately).

Also happy to help with any logistics.

Looking forward to contributing more and meeting everyone.

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Welcome, Victoria!

Thanks so much for offering to help. Comms wise, right now I’m thinking what’s the best way to package all the info we have so far into a one hour online event with good storytelling of LOTE5. Many people find it hard to follow activity here on the platform, and it would be good to make it easier. Also to help others, new ones, not miss out on the opportunity of coming. We now expect about 70 people. I took the liberty to call for your help with the twitterstorm. Hope to continue the discussion there!

Would love to join, as well

Hi everyone,

I’m Teo. I’m new on the platform, but I’ve known Edgeryders for a long time now from my friend and your friend, @Noemi. I’ve been ‘following’ Noemi since her very beginning at Edgeryders and I’ve always been fascinated with her work and with her colleagues’ (your) stories. And still, it’s only now that I found the time (actually courage) to sign in and join the conversation.

I’m not at all a person living on the edge. I work in a somewhat corporate environment, playing by the rules (in general). My failures are on a more personal level, rather than job-related. But when you work project-based as I also do, I guess that you are inevitably doomed to regular periods of  failures in search for new jobs. I’m preparing myself for the next one :slight_smile:

I currently work at the UNDP, on donor-related issues. So if anyone finds it difficult to communicate with donors, particularly government donors, I’d be happy to share my limited experience.

I’ll also look around and see where else I can help and contribute.

Thanks a lot! I’m looking forward to meeting you all in Brussels.

P.S. The first thing that draw my attention to this event was the logo which seems to say UN fail(s). I found it…reflectively funny



@Teo, it took you 4 years, but now you’re here, this must mean something. You surely know @ElaMi5 and some of the community members in Bucharest. make sure to meet and check with Diana, perhaps you can travel together.

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Welcome @Teo! Looking forward to meet you in Brussels! I collaborate with UNHCR  Armenia concerning the Syrian refugees issue.

UN fail(s) - how did I not think about this! hilarious :smiley:

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Thanks, @Iriedawta. Can’t wait to hear more about your work with UNHCR.

It’s the job. I see the UN initials everywhere :))

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I`m in!

Hi guys,

I heard a lot about you from @Noemi, so I can`t wait to meet you and share some great stories about failures, but also wisdom and courage. I am passionate about meeting new cultures and I am a fan of diversity, so I am glad to attend LOTE.

I am from Bucharest, I work in PR and I am also a trainer (I give trainings on Personal Branding, if anyone interested) and my first way to contribute would be with a workshop about my biggest failure until now, in the communication industry. Is it still possible to propose workshops? I can`t find the place in the website.

Also, I could give some insights and ideas to the communication team if needed and I can promote the event on my personal channels. I am the communication manager of Let`s Do It, Romania!, the biggest social movement in Romania, so maybe I could help.

See you there!

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Anca, there’s space in the program for new sessions (see there also link to where to post them), but most interesting could be this opportunity for the opening night: 7 min talks in a FuckUp Nights format, on Thursday 25th in the evening just as we open Lote… feel free to sign up for it, they’re looking for speakers.

Hello FuckUps of the world

Hello all,

I’m really keen to join you all at this great event.

I am a Creative Producer, Poet and general arts/theatre/performance specialist living and working in the East of England. I’ve got a lot of experience of managing events and have a number of different skills that i hope could be of use to your team both before the event and over the weekend.

I’ve thrown my hat into the ring to help with the catering during the weekend. I’ve never cooked for 120 before, but i’ve done 50 or so, so it can’t be much more difficult!!

If there are other ways i might be helpful to the group then please let me know. I’ve got a few skills in poster/flyer/printwork design so i might be able to create some literature for you if needed.

Otherwise, i’m really excited to join a team of international ‘do-ers’ and explore how we Fuck Up better next time.


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That’s the spirit!

Welcome, @Titus130, and congratulations for the fierceness of spirit! “Throw one’s hat into the ring”, I like that. We should all do it. Looking forward to meeting you in person. smiley

children? decentralized web…

Hey all, i’d like to come to the LOTE5 after i was watching edgeryders more from a distance for 1-2 years with growing interest.  I am considering to bring my 5yo child and was wondering if others bring children too? It gets so much easier if they have others to play with.  I am also involved in the NEXTLEAP EU project on decentralization and internet science and might do a session it if people are interested.

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Children welcome!

We try to make our events children-friendly, @hpk42. Bring him/her on.  smiley

As for your session: the way LOTE5 works is “slo-mo Barcamp”. People claim a slot, put up a title and a session description. Through the Edgeryders platform and social media channel, we try to help them get some feedback: favourable comments, advice, signups etc. Are we speaking of technical infrastructure or social/economic decentralization (example: antitrust)?

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Late to the Party (but Ready to Go)!

Hi all!

Took a bit of time to sort out all the logistics, but I’ll be able to make it out to the conference! I’m planning to contribute by co-hosting a session on publicizing failure in development with Christine Pu. No words for how excited I am - I strongly believe cultivating an attitude of failing forward (as a group or as an individual) allows us to be more comfortable with risk and more active in learning, and I can’t believe I have an opportunity to spend a whole conference discussing how to make this happen. Kudos to the organizers for putting everything together, I can’t wait to learn from everyone!


Nope, not too late.

@Quinn_Conlon you’re just in time! See you soon xx

Excited to make it happen with you

Hi all!

I’m very curious to get to know this (for me) new community. When Kira and Irene introduced it to me as the MakeSense for grown-ups, I got really excited, so I’m curious to make it happen with you.

I can reach out to my network to engage others and I can do any organizational tasks on Saturday and Sunday of the event.



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Can’t wait!

Hello all,

I’m Alessandro, interaction designer, maker and failed musician.

As part of the OpenCare team I will be responsible of leading the development of the prototypes offering my tech and design skills.

Guess I will mostly follow the OpenCare activities during LOTE5, but I’m also very curious to know more about the community.

I can’t wait to be in Brussels next week and meet you all.
