I want your opinion and suggestions

I want your opinion and suggestions

I have held many courses and courses on human rights and international peace, which include the following courses:

  • human rights
  • Child Rights
  • Women’s rights
  • Press and freedom of expression
  • And international reporting

But the female component did not choose to study the rights of women and no woman chose this course? Knowing that Arab women need to understand their rights or they see

I want your suggestions on this phenomenon ??

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wow that’s weird, did you get in touch with them and ask why ? do they see this as a western definition for example, do they don’t see the need for it ? or they already know it and interested in knowing more about something else

you can make a quick questionnaire asking all participants ( just a quick multiple choice questions and one optional essay if they want to write more ) like why did you choose this … why didn’t you choose this track… and so on
so you can have an idea may be ?

it is really hard to tell why ? also who are the people signed up ? from where ? age ? number ? to know what this sample represents

thank you


I am not in any way qualified to answer or even comment except to say I am very interested in your collective insights on this.

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thank you

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Hello Dr. Hanaa, I am interested on these courses. However, for your insight I feel it is relevant.
For example I am interested on women rights which I believe it is included in human right in general. actually I will not absorb it well if it is segregated as women rights, men rights and whoever rights at the end I see we are all human having rights which comply with its definition.

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