IARC 2023 Transcripts - 01 AMN

Do you think our cars that include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to a circular economy principles than a regular car?

I think that is a electric car has much more, I’ll say differently. I mean, electronic car was still not finalized. The way they’re looking, we’re still building cars in the model of of combustion engine cars. This probably and hopefully will change along the time and when when the customers will be open and valid to accept different type of cars. And that is a situation that allows an ability to eco design cars better. I think there’s a big problem of manufacturers right now trying to protect their, their uh, intellectual IPS, intellectual property and, and doing things that are, on the contrary of making eco design solutions, for example, making The batteries are soaked in epoxy in a way that they cannot be reused, recycled or repurposed.

What do you think? What can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy?

I think that it’s an opportunity for the recycling industry to put guidelines and definitions for the manufacturers how to produce better in order to be able to recycle better. That’s something that was I think wasn’t done. And that’s something that that although there is a regulation process it needs, it can be done not through regulation. It can be done really through an explanation and teaching and and addressing the situation because there is a lot of flexibility and ability to make changes in the existing developing new cars.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in by car electronics, for example, GPS when they will be reused?

I have in my pocket a device called a phone that knows everything about me. So I think that’s whatever the car knows, the phone knows better. So if you don’t have a concern in this small phone, I think we can trust the manufacturers that will will save our privacy. Good enough.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yeah, definitely. I think that’s, cars Reusing is something that will be done by the economy and naturally because it’s a very valuable product, I think the recycling industry shouldn’t waste their efforts into thinking about the reuse and focus only about the recycling because the reuse of those products will happen naturally in the in the car economy the second hand. And that’s a process that will happen without any involvement of the recycling industry.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Very. It’s part of my daily, my daily work, my daily behavior, my life decisions that I made towards my career. It’s something that is concerns me and my family a lot.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I think that’s what everyone else does, is as a home waste municipal waste recycling, obviously. But I think that’s trying to promote a a the the young generation to make change in their life on the way they consume, the way they they purchase, the way they buy and throw things. So to purchase smarter to think before buying that I think one of the things that I’m taking to to my life mission.

How much responsibility does every or each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that can help protect the environment?

I think consumer choice is the biggest influence we have. Eventually, we’re taking our life efforts, converting them into money, and we use each one of us our money to make an influence in the world from the things we buy to the things we use, to the selections we made. If mankind in general would use their main resources called money, which we switch time to money into making choices to purchase only things that are good to the environment. I think that the economy would have changed much faster and much better and even much earlier than we expect to think differently of the impact of the global impact of everything we do.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

I think it’s a local issue that its result will be an international issue. If our thinking will be from bottom up, from from the from the consumer side. And eventually the solution will be a global solution. That’s bottom up is always my my way of thinking of stuff. So I think that’s the way that will work.

Okay. Thank you very much.
