IARC 2023 Transcripts - 14 JIE

That means to make changes in the direction to circular economy.

Oh yeah. We have to protect the environment. The. Shoots. Yeah, it’s a hot topic. Actually, it’s a good question, but I don’t have an accurate answer. I don’t know. But I will learn. I think the car industry. You cannot avoid looking at this the road. There are a lot of cars, different kind of electronic ones, benzene or diesel, whatever. Just yeah, I don’t know. But we can devote donate how to say that we we can contribute in the car industry because there are a lot of car accident. The car can run out of their date. Then we have our technology. How to reuse the materials. Yeah.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored, for example, in a GPS?

Actually, not… I’m from China. There’s everywhere TV camera. It does not bother me. In Europe, it’s much better for this aspect. People protect their privacy much more. They have this sense. Maybe I have to enhance my sense about this project. But actually, no, I. As I said, you can use my real name. It doesn’t matter.

Okay. Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yeah, it’s different. It’s different process steps.

Yeah. Could you explain?

Okay. Recycle means you have to gathering the materials to one place and you have to. Like I said, you have to first make them similar size so you can divide the different materials like plastics, rubbers, steels and aluminum, blah, blah. And reuse is that we make a new product. We can use this recycled materials like plastic. We can make some reuse, make some packagings, and the metal also can put the furnace and make the new rebars, for example. Yeah, it’s different process.

Okay. Thank you. On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Oh, very concerned. Yeah. Yeah, it’s great. Now look at the weather is totally different. Yesterday, 30 degrees. People told me it’s not normal. Okay. Yeah. Global warming is. It’s difficult. We have to do something, especially if we go to a park or somewhere else. We see everywhere the dirt, napkins, plastic bags or bottles. It’s not fun. It’s not beautiful. Yeah.

Okay. What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Well, I do not throw out the trash, trash or garbage. And in Germany, it’s very good. We separate the different kind of waste plastic bag, papers and other waste. And Bio Müll Müll (WASTE). Yeah, it’s very good concept. Also in China, they are in this direction. And like my families, they they do this way. And my mom is working as a cleaner and she watched the people how to throw their waste. So it’s a big step. I think the whole world is doing this only who is in front? Who is behind? Who is faster? Who is slower? Yeah.

How much responsibility should, in your opinion, each individual have every every people to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Oh, it depends on what people think. Individual. You just said everyone is different. It depends on their life experience, their opinion, their thinking, why it’s different. I do not want to extremely ask someone to do something. Just we have to promote this concept so that everyone can develop this concept and protect the environment. Yeah, that’s all I can say. Yeah.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

I think it’s international issue. We start from local, then we go expand into international because the environment is connected with everywhere. Damage to this area, then that area will not last longer. We’ll also be influenced. It’s international.

Okay. Thank you very much.

Thank you.
