IARC 2023 Transcripts - 17 JOY

In your opinion, are the cars that, uh, include electronic components easier or harder to adapt to the circular economy than regular cars?

Uh, well, I think that it will be harder to, to manage, to, to develop and, uh, mostly to, to can be fully reused because there are some components, some parts that for, for what we are still studying. We are still developing. Yes.

Uh, what can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy? your meaning?

Well, I think that every every sector of the automotive, uh, can be part of the circular economy. The only thing is that more. More studies, more, uh, more, more project. Uh, must be in.

Uh, do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in the car electronics like GPS?

Well, I not so concerned because I have a mobile phone and my mobile phone is, uh, is is looking at us in this moment. I’m sure they’re hearing. So it’s normal. It’s normal. I no, I do not agree for sure because I would like to, to, to have a confident environment. But as a matter of fact is not is not more possible.

Uh, does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

A Recycling. and reuse for me, it doesn’t mean everything because with normal, normal acting, we can do a lot, uh, in our daily life and also, uh, in, in our, in our job. So in every kind of sector we can, we can make something, maybe a is a few, but altogether it will be more.

On a scale of 1 to 5. One means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Well, I think five, yes.

Could you explain?

Uh, well, I think that both are a good point of discussion and could be put in practice, uh, from every nation entity, uh, job sector or or family or family level for sure. So I’m care, uh, a lot.

Uh, what, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Well, uh, in my daily life, I try. I’m trying. I’m trying when possible to. To do not use so much my car. Since I know I care a lot about the environment. Uh, I’m trying only also at my job life and in my private life, uh, with the general waste to try to to put everything in their own place. Uh, and, and also to do not waste so much water and any kind of, uh, uh, sustained material, sustainable material.

Um, how much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Well, every individual have have a lot of, uh, of importance, uh, for, for, for, for those things. So I think that is most important that every one of us can make something.

Last question. Do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issues?

So I saw I saw the I see the circular economy as in international as a international level. So every nation can can do something. And also to be all together could could help because you you must think about the multinational groups, for example, maybe most of them are worldwide. So it’s not something linked to Europe, it’s something more bigger. So I that’s why I’m seeing a circular economy at international level.

Thank you very much.
