IARC 2023 Transcripts - 28 SHA

What can the automotive industry do to promote circular economy?

Bring, bring, bring everyone on the same page. As I said, like this conference lets us to know more about what which company is talking or which company is having discussions or challenges in which type of field. And yeah, bringing everyone in on the same page, sharing information like what are the challenges around the industry and what each individual is facing, then I guess that would be great to get some good collaborative effort in an industry.

Do you have any concerns about privacy and personal data stored in electronics in general?

Yes. Might be I might might be misused like my voice, my words. So, yeah, there should be.

Uh, does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes, I guess both has different definitions scientifically. So it is different. And recycling and reusing the same product over a period of time. It’s it’s, it’s completely different. So.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about the issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Environmental. Could you please repeat?

Environmental. Environmental waste and pollution.

Yes. It’s definitely contributing to global warming, not only pollution and environmental waste, but waste from several industries having it’s in a huge amount and affecting our atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gases. So, yeah, it’s a big concern.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Being being a lead project in the in the field of sustainability, I guess I might be able to have a good impact on my team to promote sustainability topics and bring everyone together. Do some research work and might get a good results out of it and could be a better lifestyle, could be a better, uh, rule to practice in an industry. So I guess.

how much Responsibility does each individual, each person have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Uh, could you please repeat the question again? How much?

How much responsibility?

Yeah. As I guess. As for, uh, the public level or individual level, uh, hardly anyone contributes to sustainability. And this should be more focus or more attention to be brought in. And yeah, I guess should be on a molecular level as well.

Last question. Uh, do you see the circular economy as a local or national or international issue?

International issue, of course. Yeah.

Could you explain, please?

Like this conference, we we see, uh, automotive being one of the biggest industries all over the world. And as we see the, the amount of plastics is also increasing in automotive industry. So it does make sense to talk about circularity and recycling or reusing the plastics in the same way.