IARC 2023 Transcripts - 29 SVE

Uh, what is the one adjective that means the first thought? What is the first thought when you think about electronics in a car?

Well, it’s very complicated and that I’m a little bit afraid because somebody does the managing of of a vehicle instead of me.

In your opinion the cars that include Electronic components easier or harder to adapt to circular economy principles than regular cars.

Well, that’s a difficult question that needs a little bit of time to think about. Well, if I go if I use my stomach feeling, I would say that, well, they’re pretty much the same. But involving, well, electronics have been accompanying our life for many years now and we know how to go about it. It’s just another component. We take it as new because it’s a new part of an of a vehicle as such. But it’s not new to us as a branch. And that is why it shouldn’t be anything much challenging.

What can the automotive industry do to promote a circular economy?

Oh, well, first of all, the first step would be to raise awareness of different companies and users that a circular economy exists and it’s workable, it’s functional, it’s beneficial to all the stakeholders. And the second point is to introduce a corresponding directives and legislation at the legislative level. And if these sides work hand in hand and not against each other, then there can be positive result.

Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in car electronics like GPS?

Well, this is also a very tricky question because on the one hand, I don’t feel any I don’t have any problem with that. On the other hand, if I when I read about private information leakage and that this information is used here and there, there is no direct impact where I would say, okay, I was affected by that directly, but I don’t like it.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yeah, it means different things to me because reusing it means you take a component and you reuse it as a spare part. You don’t change much, you just use it in a different vehicle. And recycling means that we go down to the level of elements that can be recovered or gained from different materials.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Yeah, number five, Definitely.

Could you explain, please?

Yeah, because I work I work for a company that provides recycling technologies and, you know, some equipment, for example, which should be used for in terms of vehicles to provide for the pollution before shredding, for example, or vehicles that all the liquids are drained from a vehicle. And then all those liquids do not get into the soil and also dismantling of parts and like you’ve mentioned before, reusing those parts. And we provide technologies and equipment for that. And working for this company, it’s not possible not to be environmentally aware and concerned.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Well, as I’ve already mentioned, I’m a responsible consumer. So before I buy an item also for household whatever, definitely. I think at least I think about how what kind of impact it can have. And living in Austria where you prefer to use recyclable materials for such things as bags and so on, you know, you are concerned about it. You save water when you take shower, you switch off the electricity and so on, so on. I’m impregnated, so I’m really loaded with this kind of information and life philosophy.

How much responsibility has each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment, in your opinion?

Could you clarify the question.

How much responsibility does each individual have in to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment? It means how? What should every person, every individual.

So you don’t mean the fact as a fact that they have. But of course we live this is the our planet is the only one where we can live at the moment. And everything that we do to this planet, this planet will do to us. And if we want to live a good life and we also have one life, we need to handle the planet in a responsible way. And each person has the same rights. And this each person has to follow the same rules. Yeah. So everybody, like I would say, have the same responsibilities, but unfortunately not many people understand that. And the task of such companies as, I don’t know, Greenpeace and other companies, that’s a very noble task to wake people up. To the reality. But unfortunately, as we see in different countries, the level of environmental awareness is different. And so Circular Economy is one of the initiatives that could be also used for solving this issue.