Icons for all 12 challenges

well you can send it to edgeryders github repo, but it´s maybe a bit hard to use at first.


Here are two open source possibilities




and while I’m posting about open-source secure alternatives heres an alternative to doodle


Found those links recently in http://prism-break.org/en/  which I’ve noticed is regularly updated :slight_smile:

links and another usefull site

Pity that links aren’t made automatically clickable…

Fixed them now.

Also there is this site which has links to lots of good services / tools.  Think it is also being updated, maybe not as regularly?


Great list Darren :slight_smile:

Those are some great options!

Open Clip Art

There’s also OpenClipArt - You can upload an SVG and then users can choose to export files as any size PNG or just download the SVG. http://openclipart.org/

What about design, though?

Thanks everyone – but I notice the task remains unassigned. Now that we have several solutions for storing the icons, who is up for actually producin them? Is it you, [jonocosa]?

To answer your questions above: the challenges are 12, so [elf Pavlik] wants 12 icons. Their list and description is here – I guess it’s up to the artist to interpret what they would look like.

might also consider the nice illustrations from Sam’s video



I would like to respectfully point out that the list of 12 is an unauthorised shorthand conglomeration performed by Ben (?) from the offical community sanctioned list of 47 challenges that sprung out of the March meeting.  This being the case it is more respectful community development strategy to either return to the original list ( 47 icons ?), or go slowly as regard to in which degree the individual projects indeed address all ( or any ) of these aims.  Beginning with the PR department generally impedes flexibility; perhaps creating icons that depict the 7-10 projects as they develop is the way to go?

His Grumpiness,

Thank you!

I would say one can put them wherever you like as long as you can add links to them somewhere. I would like that we have good quality 200x200px versions, recommended by http://ogp.me/ and make sure that they look decent in sizes all the way down to 48x48 . Also I would like to help with vizualizing projects as graphs with nodes and edges, so icons which look well in shape of circle would com handy. Just as unMonastery logo or EdgeRyders logo!

If someone would like to make 47 icons, great! Still let’s start with min 12 for chalenges we have published on webisted and used in application form?

I can make the icons

Alberto yes I can make the icons I will upload them soon for review and alterations


[jonocosa] you’re a star! So, to let know other people you are taking care of this and avoid duplication, we use Tasks as in open source development groups. What you do is leave a comment to this same task, as you have done before; but if you look over the window in which you type the comment’s title you will see some parameters realting to the Task: “Project” (currently set to unMonastery), “Assign to” (currently set to Unassigned), “Status” (currently set to Open) and others. Set “Assign to” to yourself (start typing “jonocosa” in the field and the platform will autocomplete your user name); set “Status” to In Progress. Type just anything in the Comment text window, like “On it” or something like that and save. If you go to the My Tasks tab in the Taskmanager (here) you will see that now the task is assigned to you. This is useful because it tells other people you are working on this particular task, and if they want to help they should pick up an open, unassigned task instead.

We are trying to encourage the community to use these really cool tool for distributed collaboration, as we believe they make us, collectively, much smarter and more effective. Here’s a guide we wrote on how to use Tasks in Edgeryders.

On it :wink:

on it

First Icons need some feedback

Hi there sorry, it’s taking a bit more time than i thought.

What do you think of those first Icons (icons are for the first challenges on the list, except the last one )

Any suggestions for metaphors or symbols that I could use for the other icon ?

Very nice!

Thanks for this [jonocosa]! I like them a lot.

Have you tried visualizing them at “icon size”. like 100 x100 or 200 x 200 pixels? How do they render?

@Alberto yes they scale well, the icons are vector drawings so they are pretty flexible :slight_smile:

They look great to me!

Thanks! The last one, you mean the 5th in the list, the one with “Lack of a global view on the city?”. How about pieces of puzzle coming together? or a magnifying glass as in “look closely”? I’m far from an expert with visuals, all the contrary, but no harm in trying right?


thanks [jonocosa]!

BTW [Katalin] also started working on it in last two days here in Matera, I guess she could have mention it by commenting here,  I’ll ask her to try coordinating it with you :slight_smile:


Thanks, Jonocosa,

sorry for not getting in touch - complicated days. The logos look great! As @elf mentioned, I also started to think about them -  I kind of penciled a quick sketch for all the challenges, will get them to you. Shall we communicate through the Trello board?

Shure @Katelin :) Trello  would be great, can you sen your contact to me ?

Noemi no the last icon (the windmill) is for renewable energies challenge, i’m still thinking about the other challenges, but yes I like your Idea :slight_smile:

I really like the icons. Do we need a style guide?

I dont know if this is being worked on already but perhaps we should develop a simple style guide for external communication? I think the unMonastery website works really well so maybe we can build on that and choose a selection of colours, fonts etc that everyone can use. This would help us look more like an entity when we’re communicating with Materans. Call it unbranding if we have to.