I’ve always been a believer.
I believe in people, I believe in knowledge, I believe in breaking schemes, I believe in ideas and, most of all, I believe in connecting all this things togheter: I believe in people who break schemes using their knowledge and their ideas.
But I’ve always been a “maker” too.
I don’t like to sit down and say how te world could be a better place, I like to stand up and get my hands dirty.
I think that we need a revolution: a cultural revolution. And I think that if there is something you don’t like you are not allowed to complain about it if you do nothing to change it, so I try to do as much as I can to offer my contribuition to the change.
Because if everyone will contribute, the work will be done in a breath -and we could start an even more beautiful and useful work!
When I went to university I met a lot of amazing people who were doing the same things I’ve always dreamed to do: they were creating and promoting culture, social partecipation, awareness.
So I started to volunteer in various associations and groups: I’ve been an editor and then editor in chief for an universitarian newspaper edited under a CC-BY-NC-SA license, whose aims are to create stronger ties between students and citizens and to offer a critical and “young” point of view of political, social and cultural themes; I volunteered for the association connected with the newspapers, wich organizes cultural events such as literary and musical festivals, conferences and going on; I’ve been the responsible for the organization of cultural activities in an ARCI club (ARCI is one of the biggest italian associations for social advancement).
Then, in august 2011, I attended Wikimania, the annual international conference for the users of Wikimedia Foundation’s projects, and I did the next step: from mostly local associations I started to partecipate in a national one, Wikimedia Italia. And it’s just great!