If We Create: Diogo Challenge Application

New Media is uniquely positioned to deliver value added media services to Entrepreneurs, Corporations and Institutions. If We Create provides a workshop that binds diverse set of market segments for different interests and purposes, and engage everyone of the audience for social and cultural development processes.

In order to deliver on this value proposition, an online based communication network is established. The customers are able to customize their preferences to seek social, economic or cultural opportunities available locally as well as internationally. This capability has taken considerable time and resources to develop and forms the cornerstone of our competitive advantage. The competitive edge is continuously evaluated in terms of bringing more value to the customer by reducing the cost and increases customize features. The interactive platform is made possible through the use of web and mobile applications connected to different media channels and wide pool of skills and networks.

We provide value addition services to our customers benefiting through participating in culture and social events online and on ground.

We deliver value through a wide range of media and cultural channels to execute creativity with and to our diverse pool of skills and networks.

The value creation for products and services comprises of

     Creativity – Activities that are typified by new creations.

     Copyright – Defining a sector based on industrial activities related to the use of copyright materials.

     Use value – The usability of a good from the creative sector is typified more by "ideas“than technical (functional) qualities compared to other sectors/industries.

     Production methods – High initial cost and relatively low marginal costs for delivering the core services.

      The value measurement is calculated on the basis of “trident approach” in which vocational and cultural classifications are combined with industrial or economic classifications.

     Key People- Skills Set

     Key Resources – Mobilization of Capital, Material and Tools

     Key Activities – Content and Projects


How will your idea have an impact?

This service will provide general users and network of entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers, to interact and engage creatively with private and public organizations to discuss and decide on projects that are related to cultural and social development. These services would also be extended

to initiate online events, live discussion feeds, interactive forums, circulating newsletters, real time social feeds, training and development and projects planning.

Develop easy event and service templates that discusses the type, nature, aim of the

gathering in terms of economic, social and accounting profit, setting objectives/goals and

its connectors to content wise and sector wise.

● Development of contact database and project/events scheduling for resources marketing

and monitoring

● Managing and reporting budgeting, docs for legal requirements, progress and results,

and expansion of organization in terms of associates and achievments/milestones

Collaboration and Cooperation:

● Skills sharing and developing from sources (online and on-ground) regarding projects/


● Sharing of expertise in exchange of networking and/or other social/economic

opportunities; video production, sound mixing and editing etc.

● Developing and supporting innovative and emerging trends and centers online/onground

by content sharing/engaging to online radio, television or print etc (joint ventures,

freelance work, marketing.

Administrative/Legal (Command Control):

● Contracts and use of resources management

● Documentation for legal requirements and maintaining the files

● budgeting and accounting; taxes reporting and profit sharing

● Asset managing; diversification of risks and libailities; developing company portfolio and

sanction of personal statuses for working.

● Controlling and Planning mechanism


Over the past three months a series of 6 workshops were conducted on-ground across Sweden. These workshops were a mix of workshops organized on ground. These events were organized to initiate focus groups experiencing these features face-to-face interactions. Some of the events had involved both online and offline version of workshops and latest in November an attempt was made to involve creative and social entrepreneurs to share their preferences

We expect to develop a kickstarter event to launch the official website for the concept, incorporating networks, individuals and communities to initiate a series of If We Create sessions online as more resources are mobilized.