Illustration Sketch

thank you for feedback, notes taken, i will send another version this week,

If price is an issue, I think I have a rather simple hack: use Nadia’s design with a white space where the colour is. Then measure the dimensions of the white space, print the coloured part separately and stick it on top. Nobody will notice and we’ll get a super nice poster?

Hello Lee, interesting hack but the solution you propose is too costly in terms of time, First, i don’t have nadia’s design in a printable format, second, we need to start a new project with the graphic designer *he charges by time, do the printing of the color part, paste it,

this is time consuming for low impact. the poster is not so important. few people will see it, in my opinion we need to burn the limited energy in other tasks,

here is the final version for print can you have a look, good enought for now?

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Great! Thanks a lot for taking my feedback into account!

Feel free also to let me know if you would like me to go pick up the prints.

Hi @nadia,

Thanks again for the illustration sketch that you posted at the top of this post. We get a lot of very positive reactions about it!

Unfortunately it works only on a screen and not in print. Would you by any chance be able to play around with the settings in the programme you used to create it, so that we can also use it for prints?