In the eye of the #twitterstorm – some brief notes from the #unMon press conference

I wanted to make some quick notes about today’s press conference and start a conversation, it makes sense to be brief, because it was a strong collective effort and other participants will be able to fill in the gaps.

Overall this feels like it was a resounding success, thanks to the amazing work on the part of the unMonastery Team and EdgeRyders – so thank you to everyone who put energy into making this happen, for a moment it looked like it might not happen and I’m so glad it did. We created something very different and proved it to be effective.

It’s less than 24 hours later but we’re already seeing outcomes. Firstly we reached a lot of people, according to tweet reach: 100,000s with 667 tweets in total.

During the event it was reported that we’d managed to become a trending topic in Italy (this was definitely a surprise): Fabio do you have the link you shared in the hangout? For those watching from the sidelines, it was certainly an event to remark upon.

We also gained over 50 new followers.

In addition we’re already seeing our first press opportunities begin to emerge and potential collaborators. The main gauge for success will ultimately though be more applicants to the unMonastery and more attendees at lote3.

What I think we learnt that are essential points for the future.

-Either pre-schedule all tweets or have at least two people operating the main account, it was quite a multitasking exercise, tweeting the prepared tweets in 2 languages and fielding questions from my own account simultaneously.

-Calling people a day or so before hand seemed to be effective for gaining real participation

-Find a better way of reaching journalists, sending tweets to individuals in the hour before hand hasn’t seemed to bare fruit, but perhaps time will tell.

-Create a dashboard, we didn’t do this but a page with the hashtag embedded and a chat room, so you only have to co-ordinate from a single location would be exceptionally useful.

-Co-ordinate around who is going to taking a question first, then allow others to follow up

I’ve yet to fully review everything but have downloaded the data and done an initial network graph of how the conference played out. There’s a few actionables to be picked up if anyone has the time:

-Create a storify in Italian and English

-Pull down the twitter data and report on what you find

-Help write the article for the Guardian

-Share the press releases further afield, found on this new page:

So what did everyone else think? What was your experience?

It’s amazing being part of this community and today was a great demonstration of why.


Also maybe put links to pages on Edgeryders

…it’s important that Edgeryders doesn’t disappear in all this as it’s providing the plumbing behind the scenes. It’s important for us to be able to see e.g. hits on the website to be able to quantify the value generated by us all together, so inorder to be willing to put in this much time and effort I would like to see the links leading to Well done all <3

Edgeryders record in no of visits

We’ve had 10 signups for the newsletter and approximately 40 new twitter followers.

Our website analytics show a number of 250 unique visitors and 1563 page visits, the latter topping all the past 4 months (1000 page visits average in September, and much less over the summer).

Of course these are effects, they don’t tell us anything in terms of impact. The fact that you guys were contacted by journalists and media outlets, I’d say that’s a much stronger positive outcome!

It’s been so fun, thanks you guys!


It was indeed something to be part of, and it does confirm that you don’t know how things will go untill you actually do them yourself.

  • I agree on all you said, and definetely felt that there has to be a bit more balance between the tweets coming out from the official account and the Q&A, especially because you were tweeting in Italian! 
  • I am still thinking on how to pick up Italian bloggers, journalists and southern ones. I am quite amazed that people that do follow innovative stuff in the South of Italy didn't turn up, but then - once it reached trending topic - got interested in the experience. Maybe this has got to do with the fact that's it's easier to adopt something once you know that other people are buzzing about it rather than being an early adopter?  

I am willing to pick up the Spotify: I started doing it in one piece, didn’t think of doing it bilingual since there are also the other languages, but you have a point.

About trending

#unmon trended in Italy and in Belgium, briefly reaching number 1 in both countries.