In this short text I will argue that leadership needs to be tuned to the technological drivers that form the mental imaginaries that inform everyday life

In this short text I will argue that leadership needs to be tuned to the technological drivers that form the mental imaginaries that inform everyday life. As we find Internet of Things in all domains, health (BAN, body area network- wearables), home (LAN, Local Area Network - smart home), mobility (WAN, Wide Area Network – connected car) and city (VWAN, Very Wide Area Network- smart city) it is logical that we find the last remnants of illogical, erratic and highly emotional behavior in the only domain it has not yet reached (that is, in the West): politics. In short in Asia the engineers lead, in the West they do gadgets, applications and services, leaving the system to populists. Do we have spineless engineers, are they hiding deliberately or do they have no clue how to be a leader?

Rob that link keeps redirecting me to a more blank page. It might be that someone who is not connected to you in LinkedIn can’t see it…