Infosession on SFER coming up: the game plan

Pinging @nadia @zazizoma @giacomo.pinaffo @Nic010

Next week is infosession on the Science Fiction Economics Residency. Here are the roles and the key messages.

Key messages

  • We are doing a residency combining advances in economics (especially applied, with a strong policy component) with methods from science fiction to imagine a pathway to Paris-agreement compatible economies. Yay!
  • The residency is invitation only, but it will be the starting point for more open and decentralized activities. We will build channels where people who were in the residency can team up with people all over the world to contribute to this emerging body of knowledge, One of these channels might be the Istanbul Innovation Days in October. Others might be remote collaborative sessions to improve the wiki-ish that comes out of the SFER, etc.
  • Where we are ultimately going: contribute to the movement for economic transformation with practical knowledge and bold, but clear-eyed, thinking.


  • Alberto to give a 10-min presentation on the vision and activities.
  • Nadia to give some example of follow-up activities and to hold the long-term vision.
  • Joffa, you are warmly invited but you can also sit this one out if it’s complex – also Nicolò asked me for time slots that are friendly to people living in Asia and CET. We could hear about your Space Camp experience.

Dates and times

  • 29th Feb at 15.00 CET
  • 1st Mar at 10.00 CET

Hi! I should be able to be present for the 29th February session, but not the March 1.
I’ll be in Boston for the Eastern Economics Association Conference, so I think that will be noonish my time.
Will there be a link?

My timing is off, am I missing an info session now?

You are, but you also said you would not make it to this one… or maybe it was the next one? Anyway: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Sorry, it was the other way around! Awfully sorry :cold_sweat: