Initial notes on the Technorama interviews batch

I ran the transcriptions @jos uploaded through Deepl, and then went through all the auto-translations and did initial annotations (they are in their own folder now), which should be helpful later on in the coding process.


clearly emergent themes in this batch, including

  • preoccupation with individual agency associated with older cars vs loss of control/ability to choose and feeling manipulated associated with electronic components in the car – people feel like “subjects” of electronic technology, threatened

  • emphasis on desire for choice, personal freedom, libertarian sentiments with ascription of control (and sometimes corruption) to politics / “Brussels”

  • car electronics considered superfluous, excessive, useful, unnecessary, likely to break

  • transition to electronically enhanced cars perceived as linked to dilution/divestment of car-owners expertise (at least for this group, which, of course, is likely to be preoccupied with that because of their hobby – not sure whether this would translate to “general population”)

  • distinct concern with data privacy (although not uniform – some people not concerned)

  • people are aware of sustainability and in general are positive about it, but see it largely as a systemic issue, with limited individual control (but still notable sentiment of some individual responsibility); this batch of people maps sustainability onto longevity which in turn organically maps onto old cars and lines up with their bias towards old cars

  • A lot of doubt about how electronic parts can be reused and recycled, practically/logistically

  • people more aware than not about electronic waste transfer to the developing world; there is critique of that – perhaps an actionable insight


As we talked about the other day – would be better if the core questions are in order (and then organic elaborations on them are great if organically appropriate)

People have a hard time following the word completion instruction – I will prepare a sheet with words to choose from and a blank space for additional ones as “write-ins”

This sample has a clear anti-electronic bias given the nature of their hobby and the association they participate in

The answers about expertise were vague in many cases; I will try rephrasing it and explore the link between that and the ideas of agency/loss of agency with old vs electronically enhanced cars.


Your observations on the emphasis on personal freedom, data privacy concerns, and sustainability align with broader societal issues. In my own experience, organizing insights like yours in an online notepad can be really helpful. It allows for easy tracking of themes and helps when refining methodologies or exploring new angles in your research. As you continue, perhaps exploring more direct questions or refining prompts could provide clearer responses on expertise and agency.

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