DRAFT Interfaced Social Contract
INTERFACED, the project you are contributing to by participating, is designed to explore and enhance political participation in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It will run until the end of 2027, though its materials and findings will remain accessible long after that.
While we cannot promise to resolve all the societal and political challenges raised by the pandemic and its aftermath, this project is an opportunity for us all to raise awareness, share information, and exchange experiences on how we, as a community, engage with these challenges.
You are free to use materials from the INTERFACED discussions to draw your own conclusions about the issues we explore. You are encouraged to share these conclusions publicly, both online and offline, provided you attribute the materials to their authors. Please refer to this link for an explanation of your rights and duties when using these materials. We, the INTERFACED research group, are committed to transparency, publicly discussing our practices, and continuously improving our approach.
INTERFACED is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program (grant number 101178268). We commit to managing resources in accordance with ethical standards throughout the project.
We have designed INTERFACED with you, the community, in mind. We commit to maintaining an open space for all to participate, where you are free to introduce topics that you think are relevant, even if they were not initially part of the project’s scope. We recognize that we cannot do this alone and strive to facilitate your involvement.
We may apply temporary restrictions if your behavior poses a risk to others, such as violent or threatening actions.
We are committed to independently evaluating our activities and turning any identified issues into opportunities for growth and adaptation of our practices.
Consent Funnel Questions and Feedback Mechanism
The consent funnel is designed to ensure that participants are fully aware of the platform’s usage and are comfortable with their level of participation. The following questions help ensure that participation is informed and respectful.
Q1. This platform is used for research (learn more). Researchers are encouraged to treat what we post as a window into societal, economic, technological, and political trends and transformations. As you participate in these discussions, you might reveal your position on important societal, economic, and political issues. Knowing this, which of the following best describes your position?
- I do not fear negative consequences when sharing my views on societal, economic, technological, and political issues.
Outcome: Allow posting. - I worry about the risks involved in sharing my views, where others (such as the government or my employer) might access them. But I will participate in the conversation under my real name.
Outcome: Do not allow posting.
Feedback: We want you to stay safe. If sharing your views is risky, you might consider participating under a pseudonym or using a one-time email address to reduce risks. Alternatively, you can contact community managers securely to share your content. - I protect my identity to an extent I think is adequate (e.g., posting under a pseudonym, using a fake email address, or a VPN).
Outcome: Allow posting. - I worry about the risks involved in sharing my views and don’t know how to deal with that risk when posting.
Outcome: Do not allow posting.
Feedback: As with the previous answer, we suggest considering pseudonym usage or contacting community managers securely.
Q2. This platform is loosely moderated to avoid harassment and exploitative behavior, but it allows for free conversation. Knowing this, would you:
- Share my credit card details at another participant’s request.
Outcome: Do not allow posting.
Feedback: This platform is not secure for sharing personal information such as credit card details. You should not share private information you do not wish to be made public. - Engage in a conversation about important issues in my country and how they should be reflected in government policies.
Outcome: Allow posting.
These questions are intended to protect your privacy and ensure informed participation. If you need clarification or wish to suggest improvements, please reach out to the community managers for assistance.