šŸ‘‹ Intros for people with no project, but want to contribute

Leave a quick intro to yourself and the topics youā€™re generally interested in.
Where youā€™re based, what youā€™re good at, what traits in a person do you appreciate and not, who in particular youā€™re interested in talking to?


Iā€™m Olivia Khan-do. Iā€™m gonna facilitate the frick out of yā€™all

Berlin based go-getter from sunny Scotland. Iā€™m a certified professional fluffer and a (semi) rational optimist. I use humour as a coping mechanism, Iā€™m hopelessly naive and come with boundless enthusiasm.

Iā€™ll like people who ask before offering me advice and dislike when people interrupt others.

I like to talk kink, literature, tech and self development


ping @MariaEuler in case you two have not yet met

We have met in a call and will meet in person tomorrow at Blivande :slight_smile:

Hey I am Oliver, usually based in Berlin, currently nomading around. (next stop Berlin, Stockholm, Barcelona, Black Forest, Bali, Berlin)

I am good at understanding complex issues and thinking myself through problems (sometimes a bit too deep. Keyword: overengineering). I consider myself a good listener and being able to endure cognitive dissonance.

I admire people that build bridges, dream a lot, face their shadows and own their shit. I dislike people who interrupt others, argue in bad faith. I donā€™t dislike but have troubles with people that avoid working on things that donā€™t work well for them.

My topics: Collective Intelligence, governance, Steward Ownership, Game B, Tantric teachings, cultural observations (especially all those around cultural divide, misinformation etc)


Hopefully we will meet in person tomorrow :smiley:

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Are you really a fluffer?

@mrchrisadams and @BlackForestBoi, how do you feel about adding some more social mingling time to your events? Maybe @Olivia-Khan-Do-It would have some good input on that?

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I am based in Brussels and actively trying to avoid travelling at the moment. Am notoriously impatient, terrible at admin and following instructions or manuals. What I am good at is seeing bridges between seemingly unrelated issues, domains or conversations and connecting them a mutually beneficial path forward. Adept at navigating chaos and changing course as soon as it looks like an approach isnā€™t working. Good at figuring out how to motivate people to get things done in a structured way. Am good at taking leadership when things are not going well - crisis management? Not a good listener unless interested in the person or topic.

People who can be open ended in the choices that they make and are able to trust the world to bring them good things never cease to amaze me. Also, people who have a ā€œdonā€™t stop till you get it doneā€ instinct. Who are lateral thinkers + creative in finding ways to realise something that is in their mind. Donā€™t mesh well with people who are sloppy with how they live/eat/work or have work ethics that do not align with my own.

My topics: Pretty much anything if the topic is interesting. Increasingly Food and agriculture. Increasingly, physical and mental health. Plus how to improve resilience in the face of impending climate catastrophies.

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Amateur futurist with a particular interest in Post-Industrial culture looking to cultivate a career in the subject. Live in an adobe cottage in the high-desert of New Mexico. Current personal projects/studies include the ongoing collation of a catalog of modular building systems, ā€˜furnitectureā€™ and other alternative architecture, the development of a documentary series showcasing open source lifestyle, development of an amateur space telerobotics movement through the creation of Internet-based ā€˜telebasesā€™ as a community hobby activity, and the study of visual novel software as a platform for futurist media.


Realise I think Iā€™m due an intro here.

Unfortunately I canā€™t participate Saturday, but will drop by for some prep tonight and then potentially Sunday. Iā€™m also working with @Olivia-Khan-Do-It so have been kept up to date by her on the hackathon.

Iā€™m an entrepreneur / software developer for ~20 years. Experience launching multiple startups and building software for startup clients. Iā€™m especially interested in strongly decentralised communication and the potential for this to transform society. Together with @Olivia-Khan-Do-It weā€™re working on building both the human rituals and institutions that support impactful use cases, particularly in the European burner space.


@eric_hunting, as an amateur futurist, you should have a look at our thread about scifi economics and, maybe talk to some of the people who went to that event :): https://edgeryders.eu/t/the-science-fiction-economics-lab-brussels-november-11th

Thank you. A couple of contacts of mine were planning to attend that event (Dante Monson and Michael Bauwens) so Iā€™ve been waiting to hear what their impressions were. Iā€™ve been following the forums for that topic here but hadnā€™t yet caught a thread I thought I could contribute to.

Welcome Eric - I spent a lot of time in New Mexico last summer. They donā€™t call it the Land of Enchantment for nothing!

I moved here over ten years ago from New Jersey, seeking low-toxic housing and lower pollution for health reasons. Lovely countryside, but a bit isolating and, of course, slower-paced.

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