Invitation to Hack Open the Health Care System in Europe

Please extend this invitation within your network, to invite potential candidates to The Call.

Please refer to this link: ​

@Noemi @Nadia @melancon  @Costantino @markomanka

Scimpulse Foundation

Invitation to Hack Open the Health Care System in Europe

An opportunity to propose and develop social initiatives, new approaches to medical care, set the base for new regulations to open up healthcare and the welfare of society with activities for potential collaboration. We’re looking for new ways to administer care. Solutions fuelled by community needs and open to the inventive side of makers and DIY technology.

You are invited to join OpenCare-The Call, a project from the

European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

The SCimPulse Foundation invites you to propose an idea to improve or simplify healthcare. We want to capture the collective wisdom of the crowd to innovate and re-design care and services. Initiatives that transform health care, empower from new forms of mobility and longevity with a community-driven mindset to improve the quality of life.

Initiatives can be simple or complex, organizational or technical, re-make or custom made. Selected initiatives will participate in the Deep Games Workshops to bring the ideas forward with the help of experts and specialists. You will also have the opportunity to contribute on the OpenCare research. The goal is to explore improvements and changes to the social and medical care systems of the European countries. Furthermore, there is the possibility that your initiative will be eligible for additional support.

We hope that you are able to participate in the Call. You are invited to propose initiatives from your organisation, or if you know of an initiative from your network, please pass this invitation onto them as well. Everyone can participate: Individuals, groups, companies or non-profit, schools and universities. We look forward to working together in collaborative discussions as OpenCare moves into its next phase.

For requirements and information please visit:

For inquiries and submitting proposals:​

Kind Regards,

SCimPULSE Foundation

Sittard, Netherlands

The SCimPulse Foundation

Missing info

You will be invited to participate in Deep Games- the workshops to bring the ideas to a higher level of refinement, enriching it with the help of experts and specialists in adjacent fields to create a viable initiative from the original concept entered in the Call.

The call doesn’t say when people would here back, by when to apply, where Deep Games are happening or when.

If you were to apply to a call like this, wouldn’t you want to have as much info as possible when filling in the application? Just a thought.

Any updates about this?

@Maria hi! I was wondering if you have closed the call already, or have come across projects which are a good fit?

The reason I’m asking is that there are a bunch of great initiatives popping up in OpenCare which could use an extra support, but probably don’t know about this call.


@Noemi -hi there! the call remains open, but I will indeed get back to you regarding the progress of the call.