You are invited to the UGent Urban Academy session “Exploring Digital Social Participation for urban governance in Ghent”, 29th May 2019, 2 pm- 4 pm, UGent City Academy / Green Hub, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 31 (plinth UFO building, next to Arts Center Vooruit).
The session is the final event of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie project “Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance” and will be introduced by a brief presentation on the project aims, activities and results.
The focus of the session is to discuss collectively or in two small groups, together with the positive outcomes, also the pitfalls and threats of digital participation in the planning and managing of the city. To this end we will introduce the projects results in the form of provisional conclusions and seek for your help to further explore both the bright and the dark side of digital social participation.
Contact me if you want to get a digital “CROWD_USG project pack” which will bring you (hopefully) inspiring challenges for the collective discussion.
Flyer and info
Feel free to circulate it to whoever you think might be interested, all welcome!
Hello Chiara, the event sounds great, but too tight deadline for me at busy times; thus I can not attend. Would you be able to send me the digital pack to ?
Highly interested in these matters since my PhD thesis, many thanks for sharing:) All best for your efforts.
Hi Telli, of course I will! Look for my email in the next 3 days. Cheers
Hello @chiara.certoma , thanks for the invitation. I would like to come. Your link brings to a page where I am supposed to create an account… is that intended?
Not at all! My mistake, sorry! I included the link to the administrator page…ophs!
Here is the correct one:
If you’ll be around in Gent on the 29th, give me a ring and let’s have a coffe/tea before/after the event (+39 3383858424 - don’t worry for privacy, my mobile number is already public).
Hi Chiara , I’d like to come to this event as well. Also happy to meet up beforehand for lunch with anyone who would like to talk…
You can contact me at or +447710031657
Hi Simon, it’s nice to virtually meet you and will be even better meeting in person! Glad you can make it for the “collaboraturium” at Green Hub. I kept note of your phone number, we can meet at 12am in front of the Vooruit and have lunch together nearby, if this suits.