JET-14 legal docs - accord préalable

hi @reef-full , hi @marcelh
Note that I have just sent you an email via docusign platform to sign the accord préalable.
As you know we will have to re-sign the accord préalable every time a new member joins us (Odile in this case :slight_smile:
A copy of the most up to date accord préalable can be found here
Would be great if you could sign it till Sunday, 27 October.
Thank you


Hi @ugne , I know that it is a minor detail, but could you change the ‘monsieur’ in front of my name for the next version? Thanks :wink:

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absolutely, @mieke , noted! :slight_smile:

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hi @reef-full
Note that you have just received the last version of the accord préalable in your email boxes. Please complete it when you can.

Thank you