Join us for a pre-Christmas get-together on December 16th!

Hello dear @Reeflings! :star2: Christmas vibes are in the air, and I’m super excited! @Justin_N and I are throwing a little get-together at our place on Saturday evening, December 16th. Join us for homemade cookies and Glühwein (my secret German recipe!) with a non-alcoholic option.:christmas_tree: Can’t wait to share some holiday cheer and get to know you a little better! Just a quick heads up on your attendance would be fantastic. :wine_glass::cookie: A bientôt!" :star2:


Wonderful idea! Looking forward to it… :slight_smile:


Lovely idea, however I already have other plans on Saturday so I won’t be able to make it… Have fun!

Thank you, but unfortunately I’m not available this day. Have a nice week !

Thank you so much, wonderful idea! I have a birthday dinner i have to go to, but perhaps Manual and Ada will be free :slight_smile:

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Hey there, what a great idea!
Unfortunately, I won’t be therr during the weekend. Have fun!

Thank you so much for the invite :slight_smile: Sadly, I won’t be in Belgium that weekend. Enjoy the Glühwein!

I’m afraid I cant make it.

Me neither, not in bxls that evening. Love to try out the Gluhwein another time :slight_smile:

thanks! great initiative. I hopefully will be there +ada !

Great idea! I would love to join, but I’m not sure yet whether I will be in Bruxelles that day. Will let you know as soon as I have more clarity…