Keynote and workshop at OuiShare in Paris

Hi Guys, Ive been asked to do a keynote talk about Edgeryders and the unMonastery and participate in one session called Coliving, Coworking: New Lifestyles Beyond the Live/Work Dichotomy. I’ve also been asked to moderate a session on Creative Networked Communities.

These are great opportunities to both reach out and invite more people into the unMonastery, as well as develop or get feedback on ideas discussed. What would you like me to bring up during the sessions, and is there some material you would like me to share with participants e.g. a flyer?

See you in Paris!

Hey Nadia, it looks like there’s a big Edgeryders crowd gathering!

You, Kat, Max, Elf, Helene…

…any one else…Alberto, Matthias, Ben?

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Not me :frowning:

I won’t be there, Andrei. Quite jealous of you guys!

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